Vic sentanced


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 17, 2005
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to 5yrs , he probaly will only pay a fine, this piece of crap should be hung and drowned like he did to the dogs he abused
Where did you get this information? Vick agreed to plead guilty next Monday, which is also when he is scheduled to be sentenced. In the future, please provide a link or source for your info. Your thread title is incorrect at this time.
Maximum he faces is 5 years and a $250,000.00 fine... I think he'll pay the fine (which is pennies to him) get a year or two sentence, but be out six months or less.

The big question is, will he have a career after he gets out of jail? I think he will, regardless that he is a P.O.S. (my opinion), people love him and his ability to play.
I hope the NFL bans him for life on the gambling charges regardless of how well he plays the game.People like him make me sick !!!sorry no link that is only my opinion
He decided to take the deal, and plead guilty. He may make it official NEXT Monday, but his deadline was yesterday...a time line extended from last Friday.
Hang him, not snapping his neck; let him down, drown him a little, then while still wet, electrocute him, then shoot him. Might have to forget about the 8th amendment, but it needs to be done.
Interesting the hatred spewing forth on this thread. Not that I disagree with the characterization of Vick by you guys, because I do agree that he is a POS, but it is ironic that people don't view abortion doctors in a similar fashion.

After all, the way these "physicians" slash babies into little pieces and suck out their brains is quite a bit more brutal and savage and barbaric than what Vick did to his dogs. Yet we never hear anybody get worked up over that.
Yeah but they don't cross state lines to gamble on it. :joke

In all seriousness though, they were saying on ESPN that the DA wanted Vick to serve at least a year. But I guess it depends on the judge as to what the sentence will be.
Tell that to Dr. Barnett Slepian's family.

Interesting how you defend the murdered abortion doctor but have no compassion for the 50 million babies that have been murdered in the last 30 years. He had a choice, he chose to murder, somebody killed him for it. Was that illegal to murder him? Yes. Was it wrong for Kopp to murder him? Yes. Did Slepian deserve death for what he did? You bet your a$$.

Can you name for me one single thing these babies did to deserve being brutally murdered? Or name one choice they had?

I didn't think so.

You esteem dogs and babykillers higher than innocent babies. Your moral equivalence and lack of reverence for human life is sickening and stupid.
Interesting how you defend the murdered abortion doctor but have no compassion for the 50 million babies that have been murdered in the last 30 years. He had a choice, he chose to murder, somebody killed him for it. Was that illegal to murder him? Yes. Was it wrong for Kopp to murder him? Yes. Did Slepian deserve death for what he did? You bet your a$$.

Can you name for me one single thing these babies did to deserve being brutally murdered? Or name one choice they had?

I didn't think so.

You esteem dogs and babykillers higher than innocent babies. Your moral equivalence and lack of reverence for human life is sickening and stupid.

Sure, I'll take an order of strawman bashing with a side of ad homimem. Call it a double-fallacy combo.

Not sure where you missed it, but every debate in here about abortion that I participated in, my stance has been "pro-life", or heavily leaning toward it.

Anyhow, you made the "we never hear anybody get worked up over [abortion] that." comment, I used Slepian's murder as an example of how people get "worked up" over abortion. Think before you shoot your load.
Anyhow, you made the "we never hear anybody get worked up over [abortion] that." comment, I used Slepian's murder as an example of how people get "worked up" over abortion. Think before you shoot your load.

If that's really what you meant, which I am willing to accept for the sake of the argument, please in the future attempt to make your point more clearly and without so much ambiguity. Go back and read your post. If you want to address a specific line in a post, try quoting it so there isn't any doubt what you mean by what you say.

Not that you don't already know how to do all that, I'm just explaining that you left too much room for me to misconstrue your statement.

I apologize for flaming you. I assumed you were taking the opposite side.
If that's really what you meant, which I am willing to accept for the sake of the argument, please in the future attempt to make your point more clearly and without so much ambiguity. Go back and read your post. If you want to address a specific line in a post, try quoting it so there isn't any doubt what you mean by what you say.

Not that you don't already know how to do all that, I'm just explaining that you left too much room for me to misconstrue your statement.

I apologize for flaming you. I assumed you were taking the opposite side.

No worries.

Everyone knows, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of "u" and "umption". - Samuel L. Jackson

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