

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
United States
The Victor

and the loser.


!!! LOSER !!!


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Sifrino3 said:
Isn't This All The Same!​
Where were you when there were 10,000 articles posted against Bush that were all the same?
Does it REALLY matter......the election is OVER....THANK GOD....hopefully he does not continue to run the country into the ground like he already has.
Not going to let Bryan have a victory lap, eh? Sore losers.
That's OK Kbob. Everytime I think about the election, I know there are a lot of people that did not like the outcome. It's OK because I know they were misinformed by the media in this country as to the issues and the candidates positions.

When these same individuals see France and Germany come to the table now and join us after having been exposed as bribery 'victims' to fight the war on terror; as they see the economy continue growing jobs at a further accellerating pace; as they see the cost of gas for their cars drop back to pre-9/11 levels; as they see all the good that was covered up by the media during the election process in order to enable the presidential candidacy of a far-left liberal who was incorrectly nominated to represent them in the 1st place (probably anybody else that was running during the Dem primary could have won); when they see all these things, they will understand that America made the correct choice when they re-elected George W. Bush.

Don't expect to see France kissing the US ass anytime soon. He has cancelled plans to meet with the Iraqui "president" purposely to slight Bush. Meanwhile, Bush's buddy Blair was saying " “The election has happened. America has spoken. The rest of the world should listen." But when it was Bush who should have been listening to the world, he flat out ignored them. No...this is a pretty big will take ALOT of time to heal...

You have to admit that picture is pretty good. Works wonders to quell the whining and gnashing of teeth going on all over the world.

If you think the world wasn't with us, your wrong. Saddam has the weapons. Everybody knows it. Just because France, Germany and Russia had their hands in Saddam pants doesn't mean the rest of the world didn't know what had to be done. Just like in this country, the loud-mouthed protesting lefties around the world will always be enabled by the media. Just becuase they get all the press doesn't make them the righteous ones. In fact, it demonstrates the opposite. It shows them to be on the side of hate. Want proof? There are plenty of websites capturing the moonbats and their protests all over the world. Heaven forbids that the world will ever let the left rule this planet.

Q: How's that home addition coming? Where putting together a bunch of one way charters to tour Canada with just enough gas to get the buses across the border.
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RRocket said:
Don't expect to see France kissing the US ass anytime soon. He has cancelled plans to meet with the Iraqui "president" purposely to slight Bush.
Let's see Chirac pull that political stunt after the elections in Iraq. BTW, France doesn't kiss any countries rear unless they're getting bribed with oil money. What a joke they are. Let them have Arafat.
RRocket said:
Meanwhile, Bush's buddy Blair was saying " “The election has happened. America has spoken. The rest of the world should listen." But when it was Bush who should have been listening to the world, he flat out ignored them. No...this is a pretty big will take ALOT of time to heal...
Listening is a 2-way street. And I just heard that one of your Canadian MP's (what does MP mean?) insulted us again after the election results. If the world meets us half-way then that will be fine. Otherwise, they can kiss our rears until the next time they need us to pull their butts out of the fire.
Member of Parliament? (I either had an epiphany or an aneurism)
Nobody should expect any big changes anytime soon. Bush himself never did come up with any plans except "more of the same" when asked.
The world is NOT a better place with Bush as our president. The first 4 years SHOULD have proved that to everyone.
To be honest, I'd rather have a president win by a land-slide than by such a small margin. At least THAT way, you know the vast majority of the country is on his side. In this case, almost half the country is against him.
Katshot, refer to post #7 above.
Katshot said:
To be honest, I'd rather have a president win by a land-slide than by such a small margin. At least THAT way, you know the vast majority of the country is on his side. In this case, almost half the country is against him.

I could do the research, but frankly, there have been very few 'landslides' in recent history. Depending upon where the fractional line is drawn, Reagan and Clinton were the last I know and even then I think it was only in their second term.

What? Over 7 million popular vote spread not enough? Coat-tail victories and all?

Seen the red map lately?
Sifrino3 said:
I put my blinders on. But its over! So, can't these posts be. . . OVER!
Talk to the Kerry cry-babies about that one.

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