You have to admit that picture is pretty good. Works wonders to quell the whining and gnashing of teeth going on all over the world.
If you think the world wasn't with us, your wrong. Saddam has the weapons. Everybody knows it. Just because France, Germany and Russia had their hands in Saddam pants doesn't mean the rest of the world didn't know what had to be done. Just like in this country, the loud-mouthed protesting lefties around the world will always be enabled by the media. Just becuase they get all the press doesn't make them the righteous ones. In fact, it demonstrates the opposite. It shows them to be on the side of hate. Want proof? There are plenty of websites capturing the moonbats and their protests all over the world. Heaven forbids that the world will ever let the left rule this planet.
Q: How's that home addition coming? Where putting together a bunch of one way charters to tour Canada with just enough gas to get the buses across the border.