Video: Democrat Rep Clyburn says good report from Petraeus "real problem for us"

Maybe, maybe not, but the people who can actually cause us to lose are the Dems in Congress and the Driveby Media. The unwashed masses won't win or lose this war for us.
Maybe, maybe not, but the people who can actually cause us to lose are the Dems in Congress and the Driveby Media. The unwashed masses won't win or lose this war for us.
The sheeple are the people that are incapable of thinking for themselves and let the Democratic Party and the Drive-By Media do the thinking for them. Therefore, they are part and parcel of the same problem. America has been seriously wounded with the dumbing down of the electorate over the past 30 years. The future doesn't look too rosy.
The sheeple are the people that are incapable of thinking for themselves and let the Democratic Party and the Drive-By Media do the thinking for them. Therefore, they are part and parcel of the same problem. America has been seriously wounded with the dumbing down of the electorate over the past 30 years. The future doesn't look too rosy.

Can't disagree with that. Dennis Miller said it best on his "The Buck Starts Here" segment on the Half Hour News Hour Sunday night when he said that we have the perfect timing of an enemy that has arisen to destroy us at the same time that a generation of Americans that has been brainwashed into cultural tolerance has finally grown up and is incapable of distinguishing the enemy.
Only about 20% (my guess) of the population now has the resolve that it took the previous generation to win WWII. That is what scares me the most. We don't have the balls anymore to do what it takes, whether it is taxes, war, entitlements, you name it. We are always seeking the easiest way out now. The most comfortable way out. The fat and lazy way out. We are destined to lose our way of life.
Clyburn’s comment isn’t surprising. Common sense dictates that democrats stand to loose a lot of leverage and perhaps the 2008 election if Iraq turns out to be a success story. They have chosen their course, which is to attack the President and his administration, in hopes of persuading enough Americans to vote for them in 2008. The only way they can win is if the United States looses the War.
Only about 20% (my guess) of the population now has the resolve that it took the previous generation to win WWII. That is what scares me the most. We don't have the balls anymore to do what it takes, whether it is taxes, war, entitlements, you name it. We are always seeking the easiest way out now. The most comfortable way out. The fat and lazy way out. We are destined to lose our way of life.

I think 20% is a generous estimate. It is below that! How can anyone expect anymore from a generation that grew up in one parent house hold where the the father or mother either deserted them or were there in body but not in emotion, The concept of family does not exist! So how can they care for their country which is just an extension of family? "IT STARTS AT HOME, IT ALWAYS DID"! How can someone who's been deserted, care about defending anything other than themselves! It's not always the case, But it is 95% of the time.:(
I think 20% is a generous estimate. It is below that! How can anyone expect anymore from a generation that grew up in one parent house hold where the the father or mother either deserted them or were there in body but not in emotion, The concept of family does not exist! So how can they care for their country which is just an extension of family? "IT STARTS AT HOME, IT ALWAYS DID"! How can someone who's been deserted, care about defending anything other than themselves! It's not always the case, But it is 95% of the time.:(

You stupid righties just need to read Hillary's book "It takes a Village." Then you'd stop pining away for the "good old days." Get with progress, man! Buncha capitalist pigs. Hillary's gonna fix you when she takes away all your income.
I live in S.C. and have heard Clyburn speak on talk radio and TV. What a dope!
This guy can't even speak English correctly. He be da majority whip though?!
Hillary was here recently kissing his ass and presenting him some phoney award for an endorsement before Barak Hussein Obama could get on a jet first.
Google Clyburn + ignorant ....I got 12,800 hits!!!!
You stupid righties just need to read Hillary's book "It takes a Village." Then you'd stop pining away for the "good old days." Get with progress, man! Buncha capitalist pigs. Hillary's gonna fix you when she takes away all your income.

Thank you for criticing my thoughts on family values! I'm glad you agree with me. At first I thought you were upset with what I said. Now that I know your voting for hillary so she can take away all the income from the capitalist pigs. I see your just a closet democrate. All this time I thought you were a republican.
I see by the picture under your user name, that your a pussy with a rifle. do you use this simbilism to show that your a sissy but if you have a weapon in your hands somehow you become a man? Maybe there is another closet you want to come out of?
Thank you for criticing my thoughts on family values! I'm glad you agree with me. At first I thought you were upset with what I said. Now that I know your voting for hillary so she can take away all the income from the capitalist pigs. I see your just a closet democrate. All this time I thought you were a republican.
I see by the picture under your user name, that your a pussy with a rifle. do you use this simbilism to show that your a sissy but if you have a weapon in your hands somehow you become a man? Maybe there is another closet you want to come out of?

LOL I forgot to put </sarcasm> after my post. I didn't think about it because I forgot there are some new guys here that don't know me yet. :D

Basil Exposition:Austin, the cold war is over!
Austin Powers: Those capitalist pigs shall pay for their crimes, eh, comrade?
Basil: Austin, we won!
Austin: Right. Yay, capitalism!
LOL I forgot to put </sarcasm> after my post. I didn't think about it because I forgot there are some new guys here that don't know me yet. :D

Basil Exposition:Austin, the cold war is over!
Austin Powers: Those capitalist pigs shall pay for their crimes, eh, comrade?
Basil: Austin, we won!
Austin: Right. Yay, capitalism!

Oh ok.....sarcasms good.....I take back what I said...except the part about you being a closet democrate!:p :D

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