Video says it all.

Don't forget to impeach half of Congress also; they were saying the same things. This video omits their statements, including those of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I'm not saying the video isn't compelling.
right in the video you see people asking questions - and getting bs'd.

Dont forget - back in the beginning, if you criticised, you were unpatrotic too.
Besides - its too late to impeach. By the time we get it done - there will be a new president
If you're relying on leftist propaganda videos on YOUTUBE to form the basis of an argument, you're making a huge mistake. That stupid video has been floating around for quite some time now.

The entire movie is deceptive and the inspiration is ridiculous. Nothing resembling an impeachable offense took place. And Bush was even re-elected following the invasion.

Military intelligence makes mistakes all of the time. And it's especially likely to happen when the country of issue deliberately trying to convince the world of something... in this case that they possessed WMDs.

"Hussein let the world think he had weapons of mass destruction to intimidate Iran and prevent the country from attacking Iraq"

And we can still get into the details of Hussein actually having a weapons program, and how the UN was about to lift the sanctions on Iraq which would have freed up millions to fund this weapons program.... or the mass graves. Or how Iraq was a state sponsor of terror. Or how they had repeatedly launched attacks on our air craft in the no-fly zone. Or how they had attempted to assassinate a President of the United States.... or how they were providing safe-harbor to terrorists, but I doubt anyone who is excited by that video is genuinely interested in facts, history, or philosophies of foreign policy. I'm sure you'd much rather fantasize about crazy, ridiculous conspiracies.

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