Voltage check please...


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
Lutz, FL
OK guys/girls. I need someone with a 96 to take some voltage measurements for me. If anyone has a chance, please remove the connector off of your ECT sensor and hook up a voltmeter to the Gray/with red stripe wire and then to ground. Now turn your key to the on position and read how many volts you have. I am trying to figure out a no start/ no cooling fan problem. Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what voltage I'm supposed to have on the circuit, and my service/evtm manuals don't say. I have the 96 Powertrain/Emission Diagnostic manual arriving tomorrow, so maybe it will tell me.
I wish I could help you out man, I got a 95'. It sucks when you really need help sometimes and you get no replies. Hopefully you'll get some help!
According to my EVTM, the Gray/Red stripe wire is power to the engine sensor system circuit. It comes from the O2 sensors, thru various splices to the engine sensors, then into the computer. Thats why I need someone with a 96. It's probably different on earlier EEC-IV systems.
94m5, if we ever meet, you have a beer on me coming!! I received my 1996 powertrain & emissions diagnostic manual today. Upon reading, I found out you are correct. The Gr/R wire is a signal (ground) return wire. Seems all of my sensors are working properly. I also did a DCV's test on the Camshaft position sensor, as per the manual. It failed, so tomorrow or wednesday, I will be getting a new one.

Now for another problem. As per the manuals instructions, I grounded pin 80 at the pcm connector, to pin 77 which is a power ground. With the VCRM connected, and the key on the fuel pump should have turned on. It didn't. It seems that the used VCRM that I purchased locally, is also bad. I tried it with the vcrm that was in the car, and it also didn't work. I've checked all of the power/ground/signal wires going to the VCRM, and everything checks out. I guess I'll just keep digging deeper,until I get to china!! LOL :)
Don't worry about the beer, as this kind of thing is what I'm here for. A little advice for you......Check the wiring harness going to the camshaft POS sensor, the contacts like to corrode everynow and then causing a bad connection.

Do the same with the Crankshaft sensor, and make sure the wire running to it is well insulated AND sealed.

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