Did you watch the video? What did you think about his comment that a President must be strong enough to resist the temptation to grab power that does not belong to him?
I'm going to take your points one by one.
He has some good policies, but come on Dave, in the end, you know I'm right.
This is an old trick which I don't fall for. I don't agree with your premise. Bryan, you are still following the conventional wisdom. I have taken the red pill.
And you also know I'm right when the guy goes off the deep end trying to reverse the past 100 years in one fell swoop. Ain't never gonna happen my friend.
Dude, PLEASE do some reading on his platform. Please. He has not only
never stated this, his platform and policies are incremental, something you would know if you bothered to read one single blurb about him that wasn't written by Fox News or the McCain camp. By the way, Glenn Beck has been warming to him more and more lately. Maybe Glenn is doing some actual reading and listening, something you should do as well.
Half this country is already on the dole and they are not about to cut off the gravy train. Period.
That may be true, but then you must admit that I am right, the other candidates want to perpetuate this disgusting status quo.
We've been sliding down the slope for the past 50 years. It will take us 50 years to slide back up it.
Bryan, this country won't survive another 50 years if we don't start reversing the trend we're on. We're going broke. Again, none of the other candidates want to do this. Agreed?
That is why nobody wants to listen to Paul. It is just not gonna happen his way, no matter how right he might be.
So you admit he might be right? Come on Bryan, people like you should be looking for someone like him to lead us out of this situation. Who else will do it? Romney? McCain? Give me a break. At least Huckabee doesn't want to grab our guns. I'd sooner vote for him.
He needs to take a back seat to someone new that can propose his ideas in a Barack Obama way. You know, with all that hope and care, rich people are bad bullsh!t.
McCain's been doing that "rich people are bad" thing lately. What do you think about that?
There is talk that his son Rand Paul (an ophthalmologist) might get drafted to be governor of Kentucky and work toward the White House.
Obama slinks around in that empty suit and people get giddy. The way he walks around like he is so high and mighty, with his chin carried so nobly, makes me want to knock him on his arse with a right (conservative) hook.
Ron Paul is humble compared to any of the other candidates. It's easy to criticize Obama, because he's a liberal. I thought this thread was about Republican candidates. None of our "frontrunners" have enough integrity or principles for me to back them. I'd rather vote for the man who most closely espouses my ideals than for "somebody who can win." If "somebody who can win because he has nice hair" is the criteria, vote for Obama or Mitt.
Look, telling me that Ron Paul's a wacko doesn't convince me of anything. Trying to criticize his positions by using faulty information about his record or his platform isn't working either. I've read up on him and heard him speak sufficiently to know that what all of you say about Ron Paul is simply false. I'm very open minded about this, but you really have to use better arguments because I do know what I'm talking about.
I went back and forth about Ron Paul for a while before deciding that his domestic policies are crucial for us to be able to continue as a successful country. Winning the war is meaningless if we have less freedom than the country we're fighting for over in Iraq.