"Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed"


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Editor's Note: Please note the beginning of the final paragraph of this story: "The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee." The story below reports that this company has fled Nevada and is currently registering voters in Oregon.

In how many states has this company been allowed to register Democratic voters? How many ballots have been trashed? Please forward this story to anyone you know who cares about free elections in America. - wrp

Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed
By George Knapp

Tuesday 12 October 2004

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA | Employees of a private voter registration company allege that hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered will be rudely surprised on election day. The company claims hundreds of registration forms were thrown in the trash.

Anyone who has recently registered or re-registered to vote outside a mall or grocery store or even government building may be affected.

The I-Team has obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential registration fraud aimed at democrats. Thee focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes.

The out-of-state firm has been in Las Vegas for the past few months, registering voters. It employed up to 300 part-time workers and collected hundreds of registrations per day, but former employees of the company say that Voters Outreach of America only wanted Republican registrations.

Two former workers say they personally witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms signed by Democrats.

"We caught her taking Democrats out of my pile, handed them to her assistant and he ripped them up right in front of us. I grabbed some of them out of the garbage and she tells her assisatnt to get those from me," said Eric Russell, former Voters Outreach employee.

Eric Russell managed to retrieve a pile of shredded paperwork including signed voter registration forms, all from Democrats. We took them to the Clark County Election Department and confirmed that they had not, in fact, been filed with the county as required by law.

So the people on those forms who think they will be able to vote on Election Day are sadly mistaken. We attempted to speak to Voters Outreach but found that its office has been rented out to someone else.

The landlord says Voters Outreach was evicted for non-payment of rent. Another source said the company has now moved on to Oregon where it is once again registering voters. It's unknown how many registrations may have been tossed out, but another ex-employee told Eyewitness News she had the same suspicions when she worked there.

It's going to take a while to sort all of this out, but the immediate concern for voters is to make sure you really are registered.

Call the Clark County Election Department at 455-VOTE or click here to see if you are registered.

The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee. Similar complaints have been received in Reno where the registrar has asked the FBI to investigate.
97silverlsc said:
Editor's Note: Please note the beginning of the final paragraph of this story: "The company has been largely, if not entirely funded, by the Republican National Committee." The story below reports that this company has fled Nevada and is currently registering voters in Oregon.

:Bang Why am I NOT suprised?
There is Democratic voter fraud in New York, Wisconsin, Colorado, Florida and on every major college campus in the country. What the DNC has done under the guise of the motor voter law is to register illegal aliens to vote. Then they have abused the absentee ballot provision to have college students send in ballots from thier home state and then go to the polls on election day and vote again in the state that they are attending school.

Kerry has already won the election. There is so much fraud that will only be revealed until after the election. The left is nothing more than a group of ............................................... I'll be nice.
MonsterMark said:
Kerry has already won the election. There is so much fraud that will only be revealed until after the election. The left is nothing more than a group of ............................................... I'll be nice.

Shoe hurts when its on the other foot?

Why do you claim the Dems are fully responsible for the motor-voter program? Did the GOP not get a chance to vote on that legislation? Besides, this issue of illegal aliens voting can be exploited by either side, not just the Dems. Unlike the GOP, at least the Dems are not out funding ghost companies to conduct voter registrations then tossing Democratic applications in the trash, something that is clearly ILLEGAL.

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