Want a custom Signature banner?
Want one with YOUR car in it?
For $5.00 through PayPal, you can get a customized signature with a picture of your car, the LVC symbol and your name. It will be designed with any ideas you present in mind and guaranteed to bring more attention to your posts and car.
Sizes will be kept small as to not interfere with post size and loading time.
Contact K2K at kitkramer@comcast.net for further details.
Here are some examples:
Want one with YOUR car in it?
For $5.00 through PayPal, you can get a customized signature with a picture of your car, the LVC symbol and your name. It will be designed with any ideas you present in mind and guaranteed to bring more attention to your posts and car.
Sizes will be kept small as to not interfere with post size and loading time.
Contact K2K at kitkramer@comcast.net for further details.
Here are some examples: