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looking for a BLACK ON BLACK LSC. i had one years ago and i have missed it since i sold it. what it must be...
- Black on black
- descent miles preferably 70k or under, but if it is REAL CLEAN i will consider
- Must have heated seat option and moonroof (factory options)
and MUST still have the air ride system
i dont mind if it needs minor work. but it must be a straight car with a clean title. i am lookingfor a car that i will keep forever, it will be my antique car sitiin in the garage which is why i am looking for a specific car. I have cash and a transport company already so i am a serious buyer. thanks for any and all help
- Black on black
- descent miles preferably 70k or under, but if it is REAL CLEAN i will consider
- Must have heated seat option and moonroof (factory options)
and MUST still have the air ride system
i dont mind if it needs minor work. but it must be a straight car with a clean title. i am lookingfor a car that i will keep forever, it will be my antique car sitiin in the garage which is why i am looking for a specific car. I have cash and a transport company already so i am a serious buyer. thanks for any and all help