Marxists - Socialists
On my 1 yr Anniversary of being a member of LvC I wanted to pass Bryan on number of post in his Favorite Forum.
But what to say hmmm What to say!
Hey Byan even though your efforts to convince me to believe that Bush is the best president that this country has even had or that he is even a good president.
Well keep trying but just so you know resistance is not Futile but your efforts are.
I guess I've been Assimilated by the Borg!
But what to say hmmm What to say!
Hey Byan even though your efforts to convince me to believe that Bush is the best president that this country has even had or that he is even a good president.
Well keep trying but just so you know resistance is not Futile but your efforts are.
I guess I've been Assimilated by the Borg!