Washing The Engine 0f A 98 Lsc?


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 1, 2004
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Is It Bad To Put The Hose And Power Wash So To Speak On An Engine Like Mine.

I Have Been Doing It By Hand Which I Dont Mind Doing But..after While It Gets Kinda Messy,i'd Like To Know If Washing It Down Would It Hurt The Rest Of The Componants
Lol After Seeing The Thread About The Aftermarket Valve Cover Pic That Where Posted ..id Like To Get Mine Done Like That Too...but In The Mean Time,keeping It Cleaner For Now Till I Do The Powder Coating Which Is Kinda Hot Looking...I ALREADY HAVE MY COLOR SCHEME GOING.;)
Probably have to be carefull with High pressure around a lot of the pieces that are mounted on clips, as you could probably break the Plastic tabs off, I use to wash my cast iron blocks with gas, then hose them off, carb and distributer were about the only concerns with points, alluminum's a little differant animal, not to mention accessability...
Well, I Was Thinkin,since Work At An Auto Auction And They Have Alotta Lincoln Ls'c N T/c's...they Have A Detail Shop,and Boy Do They Wash Down The Engines But I Notice That They Dont Run Great After Words Meaning Id Run Them In And When I Pick Them Up..yikes They Run Like Crap..im Thinkin It Due To The Water Hittin On Something...i Was Considdering Having Them Do Mine In The Beginging Cause They Look So Clean But After Driving A Few After They Are Done With Them...i Figured It Not A Good Idea!!!

So Doing It My Self Would Be Best Way ..at Least I Know What Needs Not To Get Wet.
And What Are They Now...?
Distributator (OOPS) ,alternator (just changed that recently),coils And What Else?
I used to wash my engin with a hose, i used armorall and ... geez, i cant remember the other spray bottle i used, but id wrap the alternator in plastic bags, and the coils too, and the ends of wires/harnesses. Then id spray the "forgotten brand" all over, let it soak, take a hose, and spray it down (usin my thumb to be the "power washer") and then id armorall it up and wipe it down. Looked beautiful. if you want someone else to do it for ya, go to a TRUSTED detail shop. should be about $50-70 for a PERFECT engine cleaning.
Distributator (OOPS) ,alternator (just changed that recently),coils And What Else?

That's all I've been told to be careful with.. I was told to help prevent water causing any problems to have the engine running while you wash it.

I've been told that Carborator cleaner is also very good at cleaning up the enigine grime. Also that you can use the same stuff that you use on your tires - the foaming tire wash to help clean the engine.

Someone Correct me if I am wrong...
Probably be a little differant with a high pressure, is it Steam, not sure what the heat might damage, really don't think of too much..., water will get into things you normally wouldn't think of, maybe brake fluid, depends how much pressure you have, I don't think you could damage much with a little system, say 2000psi. but I'd think some of the bigger ones could get nasty.
Common sense, you shouldn't have any real problems...
You mean simple green?

Thats what I use. No pressure washers.

Electronics HATE pressure washers.

94m5 said:
You mean simple green?

Thats what I use. No pressure washers.

Electronics HATE pressure washers.


yeah...green bottle.

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