Watch CNN Tonight - Must See


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Apr 24, 2005
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Dave Eberhart,
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006

WASHINGTON -- CNN TV host Glenn Beck tells NewsMax that he believes "Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to our way of life since World War Two and we'll never be able to fight it – if we can't see it."

American viewers are going to see - up-close-and-personal - the ugly face of extremism on Wednesday evening, when Beck will air on his cable show a special ominously called "Exposed: The Extremist Agenda."

For the first time, according to the show's producers, Americans will be able to see actual videos from Middle East television and other sources that show just how dangerous the "radical Muslims" really are.

"It's unbelievable footage – very eye-opening, and it's exclusive," say producers.

Beck notes that his passion for the project is grounded in his strong opinion that "political correctness is going to kill us" because people are too afraid to show such explicit video and talk about it for fear of repercussions.

"The Glenn Beck Program," which airs every day on CNN Headline News at 7 p.m. and replays at 9 p.m. and midnight on Headline News, usually gives viewers what is advertised as an unconventional look at the news of the day, featuring Beck's "unique and often amusing perspective on top stories from world events and politics to pop culture and everyday hassles."

The special may be short on amusement this time out - as viewers see segments showing children being brainwashed and indoctrinated in a culture of hate; raw footage of anti-Israel and U.S. propaganda; suicide bombers being psyched-up for martyrdom; the very real and imminent threat spilling forth from Iran; a profile of just how American Muslims feel; and, finally, a look at perhaps the best and last chance for change from within.

According to Beck, the videos being featured come from television in the Middle East. Most were originally broadcast in Arabic or Farsi, requiring "quite a bit of time involved to not only select the clips but also to confirm the translations and the context."

So why hasn't this important film been shown before - at least in this country? asks NewsMax.

"Americans don't seem to take this threat seriously," explains Beck. "Here are these extremists, telling us clearly and plainly what they want to do, and we won't pay attention. That's what's so frustrating. We're hoping that by finally showing some of this video on a primetime television show, people might finally understand what we're really fighting."

Beck notes that another reason for the lack of coverage is good old-fashioned political correctness.

"A movie called ‘Obsession' was released a few months ago showing many of these same clips and it could not get a U.S. distributor. People just don't want to touch the subject for fear of repercussions and being branded as racists," Beck tells NewsMax.

In the U.S./Israeli propaganda segment, the no-holds-barred look inside the beast includes absurd charges that Coca Cola is investing billions to "topple" Iran, and that PEPSI stands for "Pay Every Penny Save Israel."

"Propaganda is their most powerful weapon," says Beck, who adds that this segment includes commentary from former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat.

In a segment called "American Muslims Where Are You?" Beck and his guests explore what he perceives as the dearth of Muslim leaders here in the U.S. standing up and denouncing terrorist attacks. Dr. Aslam Abdullah, who wrote a recent column titled, "We're Muslim-Americans, Kill Us Too," joins Beck to talk about why he feels virtually alone in saying such things.

Children, the Raw Material of Hate

Clips from Saudi TV and Iqra TV show propaganda aimed at brainwashing children. In accompanying commentary, Shoebat sheds light on what he was taught as a child growing up in an extremist environment.

As to whether the clips are offensively graphic in any way, Beck says: "No, everyone already knows about the beheadings and stonings; there's no need to revisit that. We focus on the words of hate.

"There is one particular video where a young girl -- about three years old -- is being interviewed for a TV show and brings up the belief that Jews are ‘apes and pigs.' How does a three-year-old know to say that? She wasn't born thinking that; she was taught it. And that's a big part of the problem."

Beck explains the format of the special to NewsMax: "The show is completely unique. For most of the segments, Glenn will open with a brief monologue and then we'll go into the package showing the translated clips with guest commentary weaved in. Depending on the topic, there may be another guest after the package. But make no mistake, the clips are the star of the show."

As for the segment "The Two Faces of Iran," Beck says, "If you want to know what President Ahmadinejad really thinks, don't listen to him at the U.N. or with Anderson Cooper. Listen to him at home, in front of his own people.

"We cut between his speeches here and the ones at home. Here he's talking about love and compassion, while at home he's talking about literally branding our forehands, Islam conquering all the mountaintops in the world, and leading chants of ‘Death to America.'"

In a recent program, Beck warned that what is already happening in Europe is just a foretaste of what is in store for us in the U.S.: "In their effort to never offend anyone and to promote everybody's culture as just as great as everybody else's, Europe is now finding itself surrounded by a deadly enemy that is embedded in their own ranks. Paris is literally on fire, and soon, London and Moscow will follow.

"It may be only a matter of time before it happens in Detroit, New York and Chicago. We could be on the verge of a global religious civil war. And we must pay attention."

Beck says that he fully understands that the grim message of his special is not what most people want to hear – "We don't want to wake up every day and worry about extremists."

Most days, Beck's message is serious but with comedy mixed in because "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." But in this case, he says, what he saw was too important to ignore – or to sugarcoat.
Just to emphasize, it's HEADLINE NEWS at 7pm, 9pm, and midnight Eastern.
Not the regular CNN channel. It sounds like this should be required viewing for all Americans and Westerners.
Gee, I could've sworn you guys hated CNN because they were a "liberal drive-by-media" outlet. :rolleyes: Change of heart?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, I could've sworn you guys hated CNN because they were a "liberal drive-by-media" outlet. :rolleyes: Change of heart?
Sounds like it. :D
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, I could've sworn you guys hated CNN because they were a "liberal drive-by-media" outlet. :rolleyes: Change of heart?

Beck is the lone voice of truth crying in the wilderness at AL-CNN. Frankly, it's still a stunner that he's even got a show there.

He said it was like pulling teeth to get the producers to let him put together this show, which is nothing but the unvarnished truth.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, I could've sworn you guys hated CNN because they were a "liberal drive-by-media" outlet. :rolleyes: Change of heart?

Obviously clueless as to who Glenn Beck is and what he has to say.

IF this guy could actually get major media play, we would have very few liberals running around in this Country. I think Glenn has the most powerful talk show in the Country.

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