The system you are speaking of is bogus, and its makers know it (or are in denial). They are taking advantage of you and many other people across the country and around the world by making money off your lust for better fuel economy.
Here is why the system can not and does not work:
You've probably heard somewhere that energy can not be created or destroyed. This is an absolute truth. The only thing one can do with energy is change its form. For instance, the energy in gasoline is held within its chemical bonds. When its burned, its molecules combine with oxygen in the air to create a much lower energy molecule (CO2 and water. . . ironic isn't it) and the result is release of a significant ammount of heat. This is the first energy conversion in the process of an internal combustion engine.
But the next law of the universe says that when an energy conversion takes place, not all of the energy in the system converts to the form you wanted. As energy changes take place, the level of chaos in the system increases, and the most perfect energy conversion possible will lose some to increased chaos.
I'll spare you the numbers, but the long and short of it is that in a gasoline engine, multiple energy conversions occur before your car moves. With the losses from all these conversions and other losses that are inherent in any thermodynamic process (your engine, a power plant, etc) you'll be lucky to see a gas tank to crankshaft efficiency greater than 25%. 25% is actually an incredibly generous number. You can expect in normal driving something closer to 17% (which I believe is the fuel tank to pavement efficiency of a Toyota Prius on a good day).
Now back to this "free energy" device. . .
In order to get Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen from the water this system carries, energy has to be used. This amount of power will be large with respect to the amount of H2 produced. The truth is, with a really REALLY good H2 generator for every unit of energy (Electricity) you put into the system, you get enough H2 to account for something less than 90% the energy you put in. That energy will come from your alternator which is going to be 90% efficient or less at making electricity from power at the crankshaft. (Remember, we were only 25% efficient making the energy thats coming from the crank. . . and we'll have more losses getting the energy from that to the alternator.)
So now you've made your hydrogen (at an extreme loss of energy considering how much H2 you made) and the next step in the process is burning the H2 in that engine thats only 25% efficient to the crank. The principals these guys are selling just keep getting more and more pathetic.
Running the numbers I just gave you (which are incredibly generous in the favor of the H2 system) you get a true efficiency of 5.1% for the gasoline that you used to make the hydrogen. You would have gone 5 times as far on the gasoline you burned to get the hydrogen. That equates to you actually getting worse fuel mileage.
Truthfully, the only way this system could possibly work is by reducing the pumping losses of the engine (H2 takes up a lot of space, which would reduce pumping losses SOME)
Really, its just a waste of your money. I advise you don't buy it.