Way to go, Ted! Hope you're proud of yourself...


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Apr 24, 2005
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Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 9:26 p.m. EST
Dem Attacks Drive Mrs. Alito to Tears

Attacks by Senate Democrats trying to paint her husband as a racist drove Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's wife to tears on Wednesday, forcing her to leave her husband's confirmation hearings for a brief interval.

"She's sick and tired of the mistreatment of her husband," explained Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, indicating that over-the-top attacks on her husband's character had prompted Mrs. Alito to get emotional.

She returned to the hearing room after a committee break, smiling and holding her husband's hand, the Associated Press said.

Martha Ann Alito became teary eyed and distraught when Sen. Lindsey Graham apologized for the ugly grilling her husband had been subjected to near the end of a long day.

"Judge Alito, I am sorry that you've had to go through this. I am sorry that your family has had to sit here and listen to this," the South Carolina Republican said.

Earlier in the proceedings, Sen. Ted Kennedy challenged the Bush nominee over his 1980s membership in The Concerned Alumni of Princeton.

Quoting from an article critical of affirmative action written - not by Alito - but by a fellow CAP member, the Massachusetts Democrat suggested that the prospective Supreme Court Justice was racially insensitive.

How ironic that Ted Kennedy would challenge somebody's memory of something that happened in the past. Alito should have responded, "Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment."
Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 5:44 p.m. EST
RNC Responds to Kennedy Attack on Alito

The following was released today by the Republican National Committee (RNC) regarding Sen. Kennedy's attacks on Judge Alito:


"Having failed to distort Judge Alito's distinguished record on the bench, today Senator Kennedy tried to smear Sam Alito's character. Throughout his career, Samuel Alito has proven his commitment to the highest ethical principles and a fair and just America. This good man does not need a lecture from Ted Kennedy." -- Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman

The Alliance For Justice And Other Liberal Groups Are Joining Forces With Ted Kennedy To Build A United Front Against President Bush's Judicial Nominees.

"Liberal groups such as the Alliance for Justice say they have begun informal strategy talks with Kennedy staffers about prospective high court picks. 'Our main job is building on the research,' said one liberal advocacy group senior staffer. 'You are only as credible as the research you can generate on these potential picks. Research is a very important part of it all.'" (Andrew Miga, "Supreme Battle Looms For Rehnquist Successor," The Boston Herald, 12/20/04)

"In Ted Kennedy's Senate Office - Where No Lobbying Is Needed - (Alliance For Justice's Nan) Aron, Lobbyist Richard Woodruff And (Seth) Rosenthal Sit Down With An Aide To See How The Alliance Can Help." (Marcia Davis, "Her Idea of Justice: Absolutely Not Alito," The Washington Post, 11/9/05)

- "'Just Keep Sending Us Research,' The Aide Tells Them." (Marcia Davis, "Her Idea of Justice: Absolutely Not Alito," The Washington Post, 11/9/05)

In November, (Alliance For Justice's Nan) Aron Proclaimed, "You Name It, We'll Do It" To Oppose Alito. (Jim Drinkard, Judy Keen and Kathy Kiely, "Bush Nominates Alito For Supreme Court," USA Today, 11/1/05)


1985: Concerned Alumni Of Princeton And Prospect Highlight ROTC’s Plight At Princeton:

"(Prospect Editor Dinesh) D'Souza Added That CAP Is 'Concerned' About The Formation Of A Third World Center, A Campaign To Eliminate The Army ROTC Program, And What It Perceives As The Decline Of Princeton Athletics." (Charles Stile, "A Conservative Voice Targets The University,” The Princeton Packet, 2/12/85)

Kennedy Ignored CAP Disclaimer:

CAP's Disclaimer: "The Appearance Of An Article In Prospect Does Not Necessarily Represent An Endorsement Of The Author's Beliefs By The Concerned Alumni Of Princeton. CAP Has Never Taken A Formal Stand On Coeducation, At Princeton Or Elsewhere." (Ed., "Letters To The Editor," Prospect, Spring-Summer 1980)
fossten said:
Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 9:26 p.m. EST
Dem Attacks Drive Mrs. Alito to Tears

I saw that too on the news yesterday. Pathetic the guy had to use his wife as a shield. Just answer the questions you're asked, if you have nothing to hide, you should be able to answer truthfully.
These hearings can be pretty gruelling. I wonder why Harriet Miers wasn't bawling? I guess Mrs. Alito must be a bit on the sensitive side. I'm sure if the candidate was put forth by the Democrats, the Republicans would be coddling him/her and tossing him meaty softballs to hit, right?

Personally, I don't have a problem with the nominee getting REALLY grilled regardless of party affiliation. Afterall, this person has the possibility to shape US law in the coming years, and for many years too. I'm sure Mrs. Alito will recover.

Oh..and Ted is weenie, but for reasons beside this....
What's pathetic is the way you two are gushing more and more hate on this man, despite the fact that you haven't bothered to watch even one hour of these hearings. I watched the whole thing on Tuesday, and I can tell you that you don't even know what you're talking about. To have your spouse falsely called a bigot on national TV isn't something anybody should have to put up with, especially from such bloviating hypocritical windbags as Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer. Alito is running rings around these people and it's really pissing them off. He's actually answered every question they've put to him, even the ones they've repeated a dozen times. These self-important gasbags are pathetic and everybody who's ACTUALLY WATCHED these hearings KNOWS IT.

Your comments are hateful and show lack of awareness about what's going on.
RRocket said:
These hearings can be pretty gruelling. I wonder why Harriet Miers wasn't bawling? I guess Mrs. Alito must be a bit on the sensitive side. I'm sure if the candidate was put forth by the Democrats, the Republicans would be coddling him/her and tossing him meaty softballs to hit, right?

Actually, that is where you are INcorrect. If a typical Ruth Ginsberg-type candidate was put forth by the Democrats, the Republican senators would have no trouble pointing out REAL AND SUBSTANTIVE issues such as hers, like lowering the age of consent for girls to 12, legalization of prostitution, merging men and women's prisons, etc. They wouldn't have to INVENT or MAKE UP anything, like Ted (hic) Kennedy and his crony losers are doing.
RRocket said:
Personally, I don't have a problem with the nominee getting REALLY grilled regardless of party affiliation. Afterall, this person has the possibility to shape US law in the coming years, and for many years too. I'm sure Mrs. Alito will recover.

Oh..and Ted is weenie, but for reasons beside this....

You attempt to trivialize a truly human moment in the midst of a hearing that is full of arrogance and insults. I'll bet if your wife started crying because you were getting falsely accused on public tv you wouldn't say, "Well, she'll get over it." What a laughable, hypocritical thing to say. The issue isn't that he was getting grilled, it was that he was getting DEMAGOGUED. The type of questions that are appropriate to this type of nomination should involve judicial philosophy, not scurrilous accusations without foundation, and the rest of the American people know it, despite the ignorance of apologists for the Fiberal Demo-rat Senators. And if the shoe fits, wear it.
Maybe you should go to the hearings and cry too.....

The guy is about to become extremely powerful, if he can't handle some grilling, he shouldn't be making decisions that will affect everyone in this country. Trust me though on his wife crying, it was just a ploy to make Ted (the drunk as you say) out to be a demon. Ted's fault for stepping into the trap, the 'crying wife in pain' picture is all over the news, so it worked.
95DevilleNS said:
Maybe you should go to the hearings and cry too.....

The guy is about to become extremely powerful, if he can't handle some grilling, he shouldn't be making decisions that will affect everyone in this country. .

It looked to me that he handled the grilling quite well.

95DevilleNS said:
Trust me though on his wife crying, it was just a ploy to make Ted (the drunk as you say) out to be a demon. Ted's fault for stepping into the trap, the 'crying wife in pain' picture is all over the news, so it worked.

Trust you?!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mrs. Alito crying was not a "ploy." What proof do you have of that ridiculous statement? That's the kind of stunt your side pulls. It was a specialty of the Clinton administration.
RB3 said:
It looked to me that he handled the grilling quite well..

As he should. Bad enough we're about to have another conservative on the bench, be twice as bad if he was an emotional mess.

RB3 said:
Trust you?!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ..

Now that really hurts my feelings....... :rolleyes:

RB3 said:
Mrs. Alito crying was not a "ploy." What proof do you have of that ridiculous statement? That's the kind of stunt your side pulls. It was a specialty of the Clinton administration.

What proof do you have that it wasn't a ploy? You have your gut instinct that she was profoundly hurt, I have my guy instinct that she turned on the emotional water faucet on queue.
95DevilleNS said:
What proof do you have that it wasn't a ploy? You have your gut instinct that she was profoundly hurt, I have my guy instinct that she turned on the emotional water faucet on queue.

I don't have to prove it wasn't a ploy. You have made the allegation, you have the burden of proof. You have none. Mrs. Alito is a decent person, as is her husband, and is entitled to the presumption that her emotions are genuine. (By the way, I assume you mean "on cue," since "on queue" means on line, as in standing on line.)

As it happens, I was listening just now to Senator Hatch on the radio, who actually consoled Mrs. Alito outside the hearing room. The Senator reports she was terribly upset at how her husband was being characterized by the Democrat Senators, totally without basis. She was also embarrassed at having broken down.

The preliminary results on the news appear to be that the conduct of the Democrat Senators, who were playing to their far left base, has backfired badly. As well it should.
RB3 said:
I don't have to prove it wasn't a ploy. You have made the allegation, you have the burden of proof. You have none. Mrs. Alito is a decent person, as is her husband, and is entitled to the presumption that her emotions are genuine. (By the way, I assume you mean "on cue," since "on queue" means on line, as in standing on line.)

As it happens, I was listening just now to Senator Hatch on the radio, who actually consoled Mrs. Alito outside the hearing room. The Senator reports she was terribly upset at how her husband was being characterized by the Democrat Senators, totally without basis. She was also embarrassed at having broken down.

The preliminary results on the news appear to be that the conduct of the Democrat Senators, who were playing to their far left base, has backfired badly. As well it should.

Impossible for me to prove her crying was a ploy. (No, I actually meant a pigtail :rolleyes:, I work with computers 'cue' 'queue' 'Q' :eek:)

What do you expect Orrin Hatch to say. The fact that Alito's wife crying is so widely covered should tell you something. It shouldn't even be an issue. I say it was a ploy to demonize the Democrats, great, now I'm sounding like a Republican.
95DevilleNS said:
Impossible for me to prove her crying was a ploy. (No, I actually meant a pigtail :rolleyes:, I work with computers 'cue' 'queue' 'Q' :eek:)

What do you expect Orrin Hatch to say. The fact that Alito's wife crying is so widely covered should tell you something. It shouldn't even be an issue.

Ridiculous. You are all by yourself on this one. I can't even claim Kool-Aid here. You are so full of hate that you are making up stories.

Absolutely ridiculous. Thank you for illustrating how wacky the left is. Your attempt to dehumanize people isn't just liberal or wacky, it's offensive.
fossten said:
Ridiculous. You are all by yourself on this one. I can't even claim Kool-Aid here. You are so full of hate that you are making up stories.

Absolutely ridiculous. Thank you for illustrating how wacky the left is. Your attempt to dehumanize people isn't just liberal or wacky, it's offensive.

I'm fine being by myself; I don't rely on someone else to 'bail' me out. It's my own private personal opinion that she wasn't as 'hurt' as she appeared to be, not sure how that is construed as hatred.

You act like I personally insulted and molested her :slam . She's fine I'm sure, she got her press coverage, Ted and the Democrats look like insensitive A-holes, it worked, be happy, your side scored a point.

Do you realize how much press coverage (News Papers & Radio) she got from a few tears? You'd think the focus would be on her husband and the hearing.
95DevilleNS said:
I'm fine being by myself; I don't rely on someone else to 'bail' me out. It's my own private personal opinion that she wasn't as 'hurt' as she appeared to be, not sure how that is construed as hatred.

You act like I personally insulted and molested her :slam . She's fine I'm sure, she got her press coverage, Ted and the Democrats look like insensitive A-holes, it worked, be happy, your side scored a point.

Do you realize how much press coverage (News Papers & Radio) she got from a few tears? You'd think the focus would be on her husband and the hearing.

Actually you'd think the focus would be on Kennedy and Schumer and their abominable behavior. In fact, they WANTED the focus to be on them, that's why they acted like that. Get a clue.

January 11, 2006
But Enough About You, Judge; Let's Hear What I Have to Say

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 - The Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. were supposed to be about the judge, but on Tuesday it sometimes seemed as though somebody forgot to tell the senators on the Judiciary Committee.

The lure of 50 cameras and the captive audience in the Senate Hart Office Building appeared too much of a temptation for some of Capitol Hill's windiest lions, who began by promising not to run a marathon session of questions, then did so anyway.

At one point Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, was even granted two extra minutes from the committee's chairman, Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania - drawing groans from colleagues, among them Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York.

"Be quiet over there," Mr. Kennedy admonished his fellow committee members, to laughter. "Scurrilous dogs."

The highest ratio of words per panelist to words per nominee was that of Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democrat of Delaware, who managed to ask five questions in his 30-minute time allotment.

"I understand, Judge, I am the only one standing between you and lunch, so I'll try to make this painless," he began, with some promise.

Mr. Biden then dived into a soliloquy on Judge Alito's failure to recuse himself from cases involving the Vanguard mutual fund company, which managed the judge's investments. After 2 minutes 50 seconds - short for the senator - Mr. Biden did appear to veer toward a question, but abandoned it to cite Judge Alito's membership in a conservative Princeton alumni group. Mr. Biden discoursed on that for a moment, then interrupted himself with an aside about his son who "ended up going to that other university, the University of Pennsylvania."

Judge Alito, who had been sitting without expression through Mr. Biden's musings, interrupted the senator midword, got out three sentences, then settled in for nearly 26 minutes more of Mr. Biden, with the senator doing most of the talking. With less than a minute to spare, Mr. Biden concluded, thanked Judge Alito for "being responsive," then said to Mr. Specter that "I want to note that for maybe the first time in history, Biden is 40 seconds under his time."

The audience laughed appreciatively.

While most of the senators were at least as verbose as they were at the September confirmation hearings of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the crispest was the chairman, Mr. Specter, who dispensed with an introduction on Tuesday and was immediately out of the gate with a question about abortion.

"Judge Alito, do you accept the legal principles articulated in Griswold vs. Connecticut that the liberty clause in the Constitution carries with it the right to privacy?" Mr. Specter asked.

Judge Alito, as Chief Justice Roberts had before him, said that he did, indicating that he at least did not rule out the pivotal legal underpinning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion.

Mr. Specter then moved into the same line of questioning he had used for the chief justice, even displaying the same chart that listed the 38 Supreme Court cases since Roe that affirmed the right to abortion.

Like almost everything else, the chart created an opportunity for more words from members of the committee. As an aide held the chart up behind Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah, who opposes abortion rights, Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, who supports them, was moved to crack, "Just balance that on Orrin's head."

Mr. Specter, who also supports abortion rights, chimed in, "It's a good photo-op for Senator Hatch."

Mr. Hatch, grinning, would have none of it. "He wants that over by Leahy," he said.

Mr. Hatch was Judge Alito's friendliest inquisitor, and often seemed like a concerned defense lawyer lobbing softballs to his client.

"So let me just ask you directly, on the record, Are you against women and minorities attending colleges?" Mr. Hatch asked.

"Absolutely not, Senator, no," Judge Alito replied.

Mr. Specter interjected, chuckling, "A tough question, Orrin, a tough question."

Mr. Hatch shot back, "It's a good question, though."

The most indignant questioner was Mr. Leahy, who went on a ramble through his own Irish and Italian roots and compared the discrimination that his parents and grandparents faced with the hard-luck story of Judge Alito's father, who came to the United States from Italy as an infant, grew up in poverty and had a difficult time getting a teaching job.

Given that history, Mr. Leahy said, he was particularly troubled that Judge Alito would have joined the conservative college group, Concerned Alumni of Princeton University, which resisted the admission of women and members of minorities.

"Why in heaven's name, Judge, with your background and what your father faced, why in heaven's name were you proud of being part of C.A.P.?" Mr. Leahy asked.

Judge Alito, who acknowledged having listed the group on a 1985 job application, responded, "I have racked my memory about this issue, and I really have no specific recollection of that organization."

The judge's toughest questioner was Mr. Schumer, who late in the day bored in with follow-up after follow-up about whether Judge Alito thought that the Constitution protected the right to abortion. In 1985, Judge Alito - then applying for a position in the Justice Department - contended that the Constitution did not guarantee such a right.

But on Tuesday, Judge Alito repeatedly refused to say what he now thought of the issue, exasperating Mr. Schumer.

"I do have to tell you, Judge, your refusal I find troubling," he said, likening the side-stepping to the response that might have been given by a friend who had told him 20 years earlier, "You know, I really can't stand my mother-in-law.'

Mr. Schumer spun out the rest of the hypothetical: "And a few weeks ago, I saw him and I said, 'You still hate your mother-in-law?' He said, 'Well, I'm now married to her daughter for 21 years, not one year.' I said, 'No, no, no, do you still hate your mother-in-law?' And he said, 'Mmm, can't really comment.' "

Mr. Schumer paused. "What do you think I'd think?" he asked the nominee.

The barest of smiles crossed Judge Alito's face. "Senator, I think --"

Mr. Schumer, in the theme of the day, cut him off. "Let me just move on," he said. Mr. Schumer seemed to notice that Judge Alito's mother-in-law was in the hearing room.

"I have not changed my mother-in-law," Judge Alito offered.

As always, the senator had the last word. "I'm glad you haven't, because she seems nice," Mr. Schumer said.

This is the prominent face of the Democratic Party in Senate Judicial hearings.


"Judge Aly Oto, did you or did you not steal my beer?"
fossten said:
This is the prominent face of the Democratic Party in Senate Judicial hearings.


"Judge Aly Oto, did you or did you not steal my beer?"

Lol, I never said he was a good looking guy.
How Many Dems Could Be Confirmed?


After watching the wife of the nominee break down into tears yesterday evening at the treatment being given to her husband by Senate Democrats, it seems fair to ask: how many Democrats sitting on the Judiciary Committee could be confirmed using their own standards? How many of them could withstand the same sort of exhaustive examination and distortion of their own careers and records that's now being given to Sam Alito's?

The answer, just off the top of my head and without resorting to extensive research or digging through trash, is not very many:

Not Ted Kennedy: for obvious reasons.


Not Joe Biden: he has a plagiarism problem.

Not Dianne Feinstein: she's had a Guatemalan houskeeper issue, was fined $190,000 in 1992 for failing to properly report $3.5 million in campaign expenditures, and her husband runs a company that scored a $600 million Iraq war contract in 2003. Imagine what the Dems would do with this last one.

Not Charles Schumer: two of the people under his employ at the DSCC are currently being investigated for illegally obtaining Michael Steele's credit report last year. In 1983, Schumer narrowly escaped indictment for misusing state funds in his 1980 Congressional race. The U.S. Attorney in the case, Raymond J. Dearie, actually recommended that Schumer be indicted, but the Reagan Justice Department turned down the request citing "lack of jurisdiction."

Not Dick Durbin: he would never get around his pro-life past. Durbin is on the record in the 1980's saying that he "believed that Roe v. Wade was incorrectly decided" and that "the right to an abortion is not guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution."

That leaves Pat Leahy, Herb Kohl, and Russ Feingold as the only Democrats on the Judiciary Committee who - at least at first glance - might possibly be able to survive one of their own confirmation hearings. Three out of eight. That's it.

It makes what the Democrats are trying to do to Samuel Alito all that much more distasteful and highlights how partisan and out of control the whole process has become.

UPDATE: We're down to two. I missed Pat Leahy's 1987 resignation as Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee for leaking classified information to a reporter.
Have you no sense of decency?
January 12th, 2006


Most Americans were not glued to their televisions yesterday watching the Alito confirmation hearings. But today a substantial portion of the electorate is aware that Judge Alito’s wife Martha-Ann Bomgardner was driven to tears, as Senator Lindsey Graham apologized to the nominee and his family for the hectoring and smearing he and they had endured.

It was one of those moments which encapsulate a complex drama, speaking to common (and noble) human emotions. Anyone who has ever stoically attempted to control the deep pain of seeing a loved one suffering or under stress knows that the merest expression of sympathy is enough to burst the dam, and let the cathartic tears flow.

All of us who love, who have watched our loved ones under duress, and who have received support understand Martha-Ann Bomgardner, even if the subtleties of the theory of the unitary executive and stare decisis elude us.

The network news honchos, for all their liberal bias, know that “If it bleeds it leads,” and in this case, “If it cries, it flies.”

The Judiciary Committee Democrats have disgraced themselves.

The Associated Press, once esteemed for its even-handed reporting, put out a dispatch which implied that Senator Graham was the one who abused the judge, triggering the outburst. That the AP would attempt such a violation of common sense betrays the desperation of the media branch of the Democratic Party. It won’t fly because it does not ring true to common experience.

The last time such an obvious disgrace took place in a Senate hearing was almost 52 years ago, in the Army-McCarthy hearings, when Joseph Welch, a Boston lawyer, gained immortality with his rebuke of Senator Joseph McCarty, for his abusive behavior toward a young lawyer, Fred Fisher. Fisher was working with Welch, and had once been a member of the Lawyers Guild, a leftist organization which McCarthy tarred as suspiciously communist.

Two of Welch’s phrases have been figuratively engraved in marble, lending the neologism “McCarthyism” its flavor of extreme, unreasonable, and mean persecution of people with guilt by association.

Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness [….]

You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Half a century later, history has repeated itself, this time not with words, but with the moving sight of a wife reduced to tears by her husband’s time on the witness table cross.

Senator Kennedy is, if anything, an even less sympathetic figure than Joseph McCarthy. While Kennedy’s brother may have been a martyr struck down by an assassin, McCarthy never left a young woman to die in a submerged car. The way in which Senator Kennedy has lived his life disgraces whatever nobility might have adhered to him from his brother’s end.

As I recently wrote, most Americans do not pay attention to politics most of the time, and form vague images of the two parties based on accumulated fragmentary inputs. Because of media bias, most of the time this process favors the Democrats.

Yesterday, even those unconcerned by politics paid attention because of the human drama. A new iconic incident has just entered our political tradition. Political affiliation is both an intellectual and an emotional matter. It requires a level of intellectualizing beyond the capacity of most of us to affiliate oneself with a repulsive waddling-fat bully.

It took the GOP decades to recover from the damage inflicted by the lasting imagery of McCarthy the bully. Anti-communism, fairly or not, became stigmatized for a generation.

It was anti-racism fanaticism, the attempt to tar Judge Alito as a bigot, which was at the root of yesterday’s drama. If anything, the average American today has more personal experience of being impugned as a racist than the 1950s American had of being impugned as a communist. Voters have far more to identify with in Alito than they ever did in the McCarthy hearings.

The only question now is how long it will take the Democrats to understand the disaster they have created for themselves.
Senate Civility
Why Mrs. Alito left the room.

Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:01 a.m.


It's a sign of how little Democrats have on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito that on Day Three of his confirmation hearings they were still pounding away on his membership in an obscure Princeton alumni group that flowered briefly at the judge's alma mater. They can't touch him on credentials or his mastery of jurisprudence, so they're trying to get him on guilt by ancient association.

Senators Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer did their best yesterday to imply that Judge Alito was racist and sexist by linking the nominee with the views of some members of Concerned Alumni of Princeton, which back in the 1970s and 1980s took issue with university policies on coeducation and affirmative action. The questioning was mean enough that Judge Alito's wife left the hearing room after GOP Senator Lindsey Graham apologized for the comments of his fellow Senators. "Are you really a closet bigot?" Mr. Graham asked the nominee. "No, sir, you're not."

Judge Alito doesn't recall being a member of CAP, but says that if he was it must have been because he shared CAP's concern about keeping ROTC on campus. For the sin of not recalling, he was then tarred as dishonest. Senator Kennedy demanded to know whether Judge Alito had read various articles on CAP that had appeared more than two decades ago, including an editorial that ran in these columns on January 17, 1985.

Much as we like our own work, even we confess to having forgotten about that editorial. We'd like to think Senator Kennedy reads us so assiduously that he knew just where to look, but something tells us his staff dug it up from our computer archives. But we appreciate the unlikely plug. (You can find the editorial here.) As for Judge Alito's prospects, if this irrelevant arcana is the most his opponents have, he can start measuring his new judicial robes.
fossten said:
Much as we like our own work, even we confess to having forgotten about that editorial. We'd like to think Senator Kennedy reads us so assiduously that he knew just where to look, but something tells us his staff dug it up from our computer archives..

Actually, it was reported on Fox News yesterday that it was the Congressional Research Service that Kennedy assigned to dig up dirt on Alito. More of their "non-partisan" work.
Ted's Head looks soo big and Red on a 36" TV , it started to freak me out.
Yesterday when Hatch put the slap down on him was great
Kennedy's behavior during the hearings is despicable. First he not-so-subtley suggest that Alito is a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, but then goes on to argue with Specter about issuing a subpoena to get CAP papers! I'm so glad Specter bitch-slapped Kennedy on that one. Its no secret that Kennedy, Durbin, Leahy and a few other Dems on the committee are in very close kahoots with liberal interest groups (PFAW, MoveOn.org, etc.) and basically act as their mouthpieces. But, they're not doing a very good job!

Alito's performance has been very good... nearly as good as Roberts' was a few months ago. Keep in mind, both Alito and Roberts worked in the Soliciter General's office, have argued complex points of law to the Supreme Court, and have been grilled by the Justices during court appearances. Roberts argued about 40 cases before the USSC, and Alito has been a Judge for 15 years dealing with complex legal questions. Believe me, the Senators questions during these hearings are the equivalent of slow-pitch softball by comparison.
Just to fill in the blanks, while he was an undergrad at Princeton, Alito joined ROTC in part to help him cover the costs of going to college because unlike a lot of other Princeton students, Alito did not come from a rich family. When Princeton decided to bar ROTC from campus, Alito joined the Concerned Alumni of Princeton which opposed the decision, because he knew ROTC was a good thing that could help many students who would otherwise not be able to attend Princeton for financial reasons. The Democrats attempt to pin words on Alito that he never wrote or endorsed is a last gasp attempt at discrediting him. Fortunately, its not working.

January 12, 2006, 8:24 a.m.
The Anti-Alito Coalition
The Left courts its agenda.
By Spencer Abraham

Perhaps frustrated by Judge Sam Alito's strong resume, well-qualified ABA rating, and outstanding performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrats — with help from the liberal anti-Alito coalition — have taken off the gloves in an 11th-hour effort to thwart Alito's nomination.

The principal line of attack concerns Judge Alito's one-time membership in an organization of fellow Princeton College alumni called Concerned Alumni of Princeton, or CAP. Citing various controversial comments by other CAP members, anti-Alito senators appear to be assigning any and all of these views and statements, from the stupid to the repugnant, to Judge Alito himself.

Unmentioned by these critics is that Judge Alito joined CAP because on one issue — Princeton's decision to bar ROTC from campus — he agreed with CAP's position. Also unmentioned is the lack of any apparent connection between Judge Alito and any of these former CAP members making objectionable statements, or the statements themselves.

While it is easy to demonstrate the lack of connection between Judge Alito and the former CAP members who have espoused objectionable views, the same cannot be said about the relationship between the various liberal interest groups who have joined forces to defeat the judge's nomination, or the coalition they have formed and those senators who are fighting the nomination.

Circle of Anti-Alito Life
United under the banner of the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary (CFIJ), these groups include such household names as the ACLU, NOW, MoveOn, and People for the American Way (PFAW).

This coalition views Judge Alito as a threat precisely because he is not one of the activist judges that member organizations have long looked to judicially implement policies whose lack of popular support ensures that they will never be enacted by elected legislative bodies. Ironically, the coalition's number one assertion is that Judge Alito is “out of the mainstream.” But one need only examine the policies CFIJ members support to know that it is the coalition itself which stands far to the left of the American mainstream.

Beginning with criminal-justice issues, coalition groups take positions considerably to the left of most Americans. Decade after decade, polls show that the American people consistently support the death penalty, but CFIJ members are amongst those leading the charge to abolish death row. Members are also fighting to secure voting privileges for convicted felons, while opposing efforts to facilitate the deportation of aliens convicted of crimes.

Coalition members’ views on issues relating to the war on terror are likewise widely divergent from those of most Americans. For example, the Alliance for Justice (AFJ), a coalition leader, has been critical of the nation's war on terror and has allied itself with Michael Moore. And MoveOn, which opposed the war in Afghanistan and compared President Bush to Hitler and the Nazis, believes that America should not hold countries “unduly accountable” for terrorists operating within their borders.

On religion, the views of the coalition can be summarized as hostile to public expression of religious belief. Among the causes supported by CFIJ members are the removal of public Christmas and Chanukah displays and deletion of the phrase “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. Coalition members have even tried to rid schools of Christmas carols and Easter vacation. And the ACLU drove the Boy Scouts from San Diego's most popular park on the theory that use of a public park by the tradition-oriented Scouts represents an unconstitutional establishment of religion.

When the Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that the Boy Scouts' First Amendment rights meant they could not be forced to admit gay Scoutmasters, a wide array of coalition groups were on the opposing side. Similarly, CFIJ member Lambda Legal's guide to judicial nominees instructs that a "good nominee" is one whom will force religious organizations to hire homosexuals, even when it violates "their personal religious beliefs."

While the Boy Scouts' First Amendment rights find little support in the coalition, freedom of expression for pornographers and flag burners is a different story. Despite Americans' concerns about children's exposure to Internet pornography, member organizations have gone to court to strike down the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Child Online Protection Act, and the Communications Decency Act. Indeed, the ACLU even believes that child pornography is protected by the First Amendment and cannot be prohibited.

Predictably, coalition groups are also at the forefront of the battle for unrestricted abortion rights, including taxpayer-funded abortions. While a strong majority of Americans support a ban on partial-birth abortion, as well as requirements for spousal and parental notification, coalition members have fought all of these provisions in the courts.

However, the coalition's support for choice disappears where K-12 education is concerned. CFIJ organizations have been in the vanguard of the campaign to kill school-voucher programs. In fact, both PFAW and Americans United for Separation of Church and State even opposed temporary vouchers for the school-age victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Coalition members are also at the forefront of the effort to see traditional marriage redefined by the courts. Moving even further from the mainstream, the ACLU wants to abolish laws prohibiting polygamy, and the Human Rights Campaign opposes the military's ban on transsexual soldiers. Finally, on campus, the National Gay and Lesbian Task free calls for the provision of "single stall gender-neutral restroom facilities."

By now it should be clear that anti-Alito coalition members have an affinity for causes decidedly to the left of the American mainstream.

Indeed, few of the causes advocated by coalition members could be successfully pursued through the legislative process or via ballot initiatives because they are so far out of the mainstream. As a result, their implementation totally depends on the support of an activist judiciary.

These are the reasons you're seeing the anti-Alito coalition devote their time and resources to distorting Judge Alitos's record and attack his character.

For members of the U.S. Senate the choice is clear. Either they share the very liberal views of Judge Alito’s opponents and/or wish to see their own legislative authority usurped by the judicial branch, in which case they should oppose Judge Alito. Or, they hold mainstream policy beliefs and share the Founders’ view that the power to legislate should reside in the House and Senate, in which case they must confirm him.

— The Honorable Spencer Abraham was secretary of Energy from 2001-2005 and U.S. Senator from Michigan from 1995-2001, where he served on the Judiciary Committee. He is chairman of the Committee for Justice.
I'm sorry. It's not that big of a deal really. Now put away your party affiliations for a moment if you can. There is much more hateful, mean, cruel crap that's said during any election time regardless of party affiliation. Laura didn't bawl, neither did Heinz. As a matter of fact, I don't recall any wives of candidates crying. Like I said...Ted is most definitely a weenie, but it certainly isn't the cruelest thing I've heard in politics.

Oh....and by the way, my fiancee is DEAF, and believe me, she's been the target of some cruel things in her life over the years, and guess what..she got over it, and so did I. Not sure how I'm a hypocrit because I assumed that Mrs. Alito would get over this incident....I think perhaps you may have been reading WAY too much into my comments....

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