We don't need American jobs...

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Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
... we need an economic summit on muslim entrepreneurship. Ya, that's the trick.


...invade their countries and convert them to Christianity...
...invade their countries and convert them to Christianity...

some republican monkey boy already tried that.
why not rid the world of all religion. one less thing to fight over.
Since everything's apparently random and meaningless, let's just rid the world of all atheists and take their money. They shouldn't care anyway.
Since everything's apparently random and meaningless,

is that what you believe?
you should seek a meaning in life.
The meaning of life is to make more life.

Even the seemingly inanimate universe eventually reinvents and reproduces itself.
'why are we here.'

as in meaning, for what purpose? to procreate and evolve.

other than "god created us", for what purpose can you answer?
as in meaning, for what purpose? to procreate and evolve.
Why? What purpose does that serve?

(Never mind that you just confused function with purpose, and insulted the entire gay community)
There is no answer as to "why" we are here.
It's part of the mystery of life.
i see you have no answer at all. thought so.
I see you're not capable or willing to defend your position, opting only for snarky, silly little comebacks. Ah, well. Par for the course for you atheists.
Come on, you can't even muster up an answer to the question 'why are we here.'
i answered.
to procreate and evolve.
that is the purpose.
and i haven't insulted anybody. some genes just don't make it to the next life.
still awaiting your answer of purpose.
you obviously wouldn't have asked unless you had an idea of purpose.
i'll await your answer.
i answered.

that is the purpose.
and i haven't insulted anybody. some genes just don't make it to the next life.
still awaiting your answer of purpose.
you obviously wouldn't have asked unless you had an idea of purpose.
i'll await your answer.
I'll say it again - you're confusing function with purpose. I can find an atheist on the street who can come up with a better answer off the top of his head. You've had, what, three or four days? That's the best you've got? :bowrofl:
that is the purpose.

And yet fossten contends it is a means. Therefore, that is where the debate starts and all you seem to do is keep asserting what you believe is true.

Like the materialist issue, you can not justify your assumptions; only assert them.

Unless you can logically justify (not simply reassert) your assumption, you have no argument and are, once again, going on faith.

FYI: weather or not anyone else is, in any way, basing their views on faith is irrelevant to the fact that your views are based in faith and you can't acknowledge that...
FYI: weather or not anyone else

you know, for a school boy, you've got a small comprehension of the english language.
you make some wordy circular arguements, obviously oblivious to the understanding of the words you're typing.
weather is what happens outside.
I'll say it again - you're confusing function with purpose. I can find an atheist on the street who can come up with a better answer off the top of his head. You've had, what, three or four days? That's the best you've got?

i have an answer. still awaiting yours BB.
and no, i'm not confusing anything. it depends on your viewpoint.
and as to the amount of days, i don't have the luxury of time you seem to have.
It's really pathetic when someone incapable of a thoughtful response instead decides to focus on an obvious spelling mistake made in haste.
It's really pathetic when someone incapable of a thoughtful response instead decides to focus on an obvious spelling mistake made in haste.
and i think it's pathetic that someone would make excuses for somebody who habitually makes the same mistake and has been told about it before.
it is not a spelling mistake. it is using the wrong word.
you know, for a school boy, you've got a small comprehension of the english language.
you make some wordy circular arguements, obviously oblivious to the understanding of the words you're typing.
weather is what happens outside.
Spell Nazis should spell correctly themselves. Not using caps to begin a sentence is lazy and pathetic.
i don't use caps because i'm not a typist. using them would half my already slow couple words/minute. but i do my best for correct word usage and spelling. occasionally one slips by, but i'm not habitual.
so, when are YOU answering the question foss?

Spell Nazis should spell correctly themselves.

and as i said, in shagscase, it's not spelling, IT IS THE WRONG WORD.
wow, that took a while.
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