We lost one...


There is no way in hell I'd pay 6K if I can't clean it up and drive it. That's what salvage titles are for... What a shame though. New fluids... A couple hundred. Full detailing inside... Say a hundred if you do it yourself. Would the electrical system be toast from being submerged? Oh, well...
I would be willing to bet that damn near every electrical component on the car would have to be replaced. Could you imagine the expense involved sorting through all those gremlins???? Car is worth zip.
Maybe could be used as a just a parts car but not for 6k. No way that will happen unless he gets some dweeb to buy it.
Even if the battery wasn't in the car when it happened so nothing shorted, (which I doubt), there is now or will be soon corrosion on almost every electical connection in this car. I've helped a friend with a flood car before. I don't think I'd try to turn it into a driver if someone GAVE it to me. There is no way it would be worth the trouble.

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