We need a new alien sedition act


Active LVC Member
Jun 10, 2005
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We need a new three strikes and you're out alien sedition act for all those living in the USA who think the USA is oppressive and unfair, and try to smear everything the administration does.... for all those who would rather support Islam and put an end to Christian America and our foreign policies.... for all the media who makes up lies to support the enemy... ship 'em all to Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, etc., and don't let them back into the country for 10 years... if they beg.... and they will!!!
JohnnyBz00LS said:

What's wrong gruuvin? Can't handle freedom?

sure i can! can you handle America?

or better yet, could you handle being deported for hating america? cuz you sure seem to be spreading a lot of hate and lies about what america stands for!
Gruuvin8 said:
sure i can! can you handle America?

or better yet, could you handle being deported for hating america? cuz you sure seem to be spreading a lot of hate and lies about what america stands for!

LOL, you funny man. FIRST of all it's spelled America. And if you had a clue of what it really stands for you'd realize that you don't belong here. There are plenty of third-world countries where you'd fit in just fine. But you won't find me threatening to send you to one just because you don't agree with my views, THAT would be UN-AMERICAN.

I love my country deeply and it pains me to watch it's foundations erroded by the oppressive dictatorship that is currently in power. Don't expect me to cow-tow to the censureship that the RWWs want to impose on those of us who are enlightend enough to see the reality of our situations and are brave enough to speak the TRUTH about them.

"Any man who would sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither."

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