Weird A/C behavior


LVC Member
Apr 13, 2006
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Hi to all!

Recently I have noticed a weird thing in my A/C behavior and currently have no ideas where to dig to localize problem.

Once the problem appeared on my LS ('2000, V8) while idleing a couple of days ago from all vents A/C started to blow hot air (maybe one side was warmer and the other hot). After about hour when car got washed I started it again and all the way home A/C was working fine. Next two days everything was fine too and yesterday while driving (about 40mph) I got the same thing that suddenly got hot air from both side vents, after playing with temp switch (from max cold to max hot and back to prev temperature) everything returned slowly to normal. When parked my car I switched it off and then started again and everything was fine, so was later in the evening and today morning (also left car to idle for a while, but problem did not appear). Still it is summer here and would like to localise problem ASAP.

Thanks in advance for suggestions. Dealer here is not an option as I live in Latvia (Europe) and there are no Lincoln dealers, only Ford dealership that is not very helpful and familiar with Lincolns. DCCV was changed some 3 years ago and I have driven about 20 - 30k miles since then. Also had a problem with DCCV wireing on the right side behind the right side, but it is fixed now too. Few month ago changed also coolant recovery tank that was cracked.
Hi to all!

Recently I have noticed a weird thing in my A/C behavior and currently have no ideas where to dig to localize problem.

Once the problem appeared on my LS ('2000, V8) while idleing a couple of days ago from all vents A/C started to blow hot air (maybe one side was warmer and the other hot). After about hour when car got washed I started it again and all the way home A/C was working fine. Next two days everything was fine too and yesterday while driving (about 40mph) I got the same thing that suddenly got hot air from both side vents, after playing with temp switch (from max cold to max hot and back to prev temperature) everything returned slowly to normal. When parked my car I switched it off and then started again and everything was fine, so was later in the evening and today morning (also left car to idle for a while, but problem did not appear). Still it is summer here and would like to localise problem ASAP.

Thanks in advance for suggestions. Dealer here is not an option as I live in Latvia (Europe) and there are no Lincoln dealers, only Ford dealership that is not very helpful and familiar with Lincolns. DCCV was changed some 3 years ago and I have driven about 20 - 30k miles since then. Also had a problem with DCCV wireing on the right side behind the right side, but it is fixed now too. Few month ago changed also coolant recovery tank that was cracked.

Is the compressor actually engaging?
It's very important to be clear about the symptoms. Does the air become hot as in heated, or does it become warm as in not being cooled?

If it's the former, then the odds are really good that your 3 year old DCCV is failing or the wiring to it is bad. Have you tried running the diagnostics from the DATC?
Yes, compressor is engaging and works even when hot air is coming from vents. DATC does not give any codes. Regarding symptoms, then air seems that is heated not just outside. Also when car cools down and is restarted then everything returns to normal. Also not everyday problem appears. Some days I can drive all day without problems with AC and some day it appears for a while and goes normal after restart or driver side becomes cooler after a while, but pass side stays hot and slowly goes cooler, but not as cool as it should. Playing with max cool and back to normal also gives some improvement.
Hi to all!

Recently I have noticed a weird thing in my A/C behavior and currently have no ideas where to dig to localize problem.

Once the problem appeared on my LS ('2000, V8) while idleing a couple of days ago from all vents A/C started to blow hot air (maybe one side was warmer and the other hot). After about hour when car got washed I started it again and all the way home A/C was working fine. Next two days everything was fine too and yesterday while driving (about 40mph) I got the same thing that suddenly got hot air from both side vents, after playing with temp switch (from max cold to max hot and back to prev temperature) everything returned slowly to normal. When parked my car I switched it off and then started again and everything was fine, so was later in the evening and today morning (also left car to idle for a while, but problem did not appear). Still it is summer here and would like to localise problem ASAP.

Thanks in advance for suggestions. Dealer here is not an option as I live in Latvia (Europe) and there are no Lincoln dealers, only Ford dealership that is not very helpful and familiar with Lincolns. DCCV was changed some 3 years ago and I have driven about 20 - 30k miles since then. Also had a problem with DCCV wireing on the right side behind the right side, but it is fixed now too. Few month ago changed also coolant recovery tank that was cracked.

Sounds like a problem I recently dealt with. My center passenger vent had the same issue you mentioned. Turning it from max cool to max hot helped with the symptom of blowing warm air when the A/C was on. I replaced the vent's valve and put in new coolant. Now it seems to be working like a charm!
have the same problem started about a week ago. im not woied about it cause i hardly ever use the a/c and i dont want to pay for parts.

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