Weird overheating.


New LVC Member
Jul 26, 2011
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New York
Hey, so I was driving to campus today and suddenly I noticed the car overheating very slowly. As the LS was overheating, I started to hear a whining sound, assuming it was the pump turning the fan on. By the way, I drive a 2000 LS V8 and I stuck with the hydraulic fan instead of changing over to an electric one but after this I might just change it.

Here is the weird part, I pulled over to the side about half way to class and I turned the car off. I popped to hood to let it vent and 5 minutes later I started her up again and it was perfectly fine again (the meter sat in the middle.) Also this time I literally drove like a princess (probably 15mph at most back home.) The overheating didn't persist and I didn't hear the whining sound.

The question is, was this the hydraulic fan's problem or is there another problem that I can't figure out? While it was overheating the check temperature did come on and that's when I just pulled over. Mechanically speaking is it time to just swap out the fan or was it the fan's fault anyway. I figured that if it's not broken don't fix it.

Thanks for the help!

P.S. Also how do I go about draining the moon roof drain pipe?
Hey, so I was driving to campus today and suddenly I noticed the car overheating very slowly. As the LS was overheating, I started to hear a whining sound, assuming it was the pump turning the fan on. By the way, I drive a 2000 LS V8 and I stuck with the hydraulic fan instead of changing over to an electric one but after this I might just change it.

Here is the weird part, I pulled over to the side about half way to class and I turned the car off. I popped to hood to let it vent and 5 minutes later I started her up again and it was perfectly fine again (the meter sat in the middle.) Also this time I literally drove like a princess (probably 15mph at most back home.) The overheating didn't persist and I didn't hear the whining sound.

The question is, was this the hydraulic fan's problem or is there another problem that I can't figure out? While it was overheating the check temperature did come on and that's when I just pulled over. Mechanically speaking is it time to just swap out the fan or was it the fan's fault anyway. I figured that if it's not broken don't fix it.

Thanks for the help!

P.S. Also how do I go about draining the moon roof drain pipe?

btw there is a search option on the top of the menu for both questions and are pretty common, not hard to find. Its more than likely not your fan unless overheating only happens during idle or low speeds, simple way to check your fan is turn your ac on and the fan should kick into high speed. It sounds more like you have air in the system. First check the degas (coolant tank) if it even has the smallest crack it will cause overheating, lower/upper radiator hose or thermostat housing can also crack and let air in. Are you loosing coolant? check it and see if you have any leaks.
jdmans101 is providing good info.
To add to that. For a 2000 most likely culprit is in fact hairline cracks in the degas bottle aka plastic coolant tank located over by drivers side corner under the hood. You will not be able to see the cracks from under the hood. They begin to appear near bottom corner of the actual plastic bottle. Usually the cracks only open enough to leak under pressure (after engine is fully warmed up). The leak is causing the sealed cooling system to develop air bubbles. Fix is to replace the coolant tank and afterwards thoroughly bleed the cooling system of any air. Be may take you several bleeds to get all of the air out of the system. Do not be surprised if you replace the tank, replace the coolant, bleed the system by the book..and then notice overheating again a day or so later. Simply bleed again if that happens.

Also..generally speaking, anytime you see your LS (or any vehicle) begin to overheat, if you cant pull over safely immediately, at least turn AC off and put heat on highest temp and on full blast. This will lower engine temp
P.S. Also how do I go about draining the moon roof drain pipe?

What problem are you trying to solve? Is one or more of the drains stopped up and water is coming in around the moon roof, or is it that you have water coming down at on or more corners of the roof.
btw there is a search option on the top of the menu for both questions and are pretty common, not hard to find. Its more than likely not your fan unless overheating only happens during idle or low speeds, simple way to check your fan is turn your ac on and the fan should kick into high speed. It sounds more like you have air in the system. First check the degas (coolant tank) if it even has the smallest crack it will cause overheating, lower/upper radiator hose or thermostat housing can also crack and let air in. Are you loosing coolant? check it and see if you have any leaks.

I'm not trying to be a d-bag, but the search feature on these forums sucks! That's been noted by new and old members alike. In fact, I've been trying to use it since i joined a month ago and have ended up just reading thread topics page by page..
I agree on the google thing. You can do searches for entire phrases, which the LVC search doesn't do.

To search just LVC on google enter the following before your search term: "site:"

For example:

site: "double din" stereo

That will search LVC for anything that has exactly the phrase "double din", and/or "stereo". LVC's search would return anything with "double" or "din" or "stereo"

If you want only matches for both "double din" and "stereo", put plus signs in front of the required words:

site: +"double din" +stereo

That will only find pages that have both the phrase "double din" and the word "stereo" on them.

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