Weird Problems


LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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Has anybody else experienced this? I have a 2002 V8 LS Sport with 25000 miles. I was driving the other day and out of nowhere it beeps and gives a message of check AdvancTrac. I pull over, turn the car off and turn it back on it and it doesn't come back. Then the next day I started my car and was driving for about 2 min and a beep again. Looked down and it says Check Engine Temp. The needle was all the way in the red. I turned the heater all the way on and started to pull over. After about the 30 sec it took me to pull over it went down to normal operating. I sat there for awhile and it never raised again. I went to autozone and used the scanner and no codes came up. Any ideas?
Some of the symptoms sound familiar; try using the Search, and you should find something.
i had the same overheating problem. i would just be driving and that red needle would just shoot up into the red. im picking the car up tomorrow. turns out my thermostat was busted or something.
try this

First of all you are driving a lincoln you should try finding the closest lincoln dealer if you have none by u check your overflow bottle to see if it is cracked or leaking. that might help? your advance track should really be checked out by a lincoln tech for your advance track.

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