Well jumped right in dam heater core anyway


LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
edmonton alberta
woke up and said todays the day to replace the heater corehttp://www.lincolnvscadillac.com//images/icons/icon9.gif
called a buddy too help but he has the flu so told him to stay the hell home,

got the car in the garage and well just tore the dash down, pulled the heater
fan and caseing , fans pooched ,and now on to the core case.

well thats were we are at now cant seem to get the bottom of the case off yet but after a break in the action and a rum or too its back to work

well got the core out . not as hard as i thought but sure takes a long time when you never done one before. lots of screws to find and most of the dash is in my back seat. putting it all back should be fun ,dont want to break anything cause 82 lincolns aren't easy to find in the parts yard and if there is one its picked over.

new heater fan and new core and maybe a new defog switch
and an mp3 while i got it apart could be the way to go
Man it sounds like it is coming along ok. Can you post pics when you are done, maybe consider making it a tach article?
if i can get my buddy over with his digi cam but we will see .
will definitly wright a tech on it cause I could have used one
I am sorry I don't know much about the early fox conti's man if i did i would love to help. But the early 80's Conti's are really rare and not many people have them. It will be very much appreciated if you posted the article. I thank you with much appreciation bud.
Well got done on sunday aft noon at 5 pm
went back together faster then it came apart
got heat and it sounds like a car not a helocopter when the fan is on now

all in all took 9 hours and 60 $ canadian to fix by my self ,were a dealer would have charged 800 to 1200

time well spent Id say
thanks conti
it was a bit frustrating , well , really it sucked , but now i know how, i'll share the
knowledge. :soapbox: :give :monkey:
We all appreciate it, it is great to have another person with conti knowledge I have some but now alot, There are many that post that help on this part of the forum, it is great to have another to help out. Again thanks man, you're knowledge is very appreciated.

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