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U.S. Intelligence Shows Pessimism on Iraq's Future

Published: September 16, 2004

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 - A classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared for President Bush in late July spells out a dark assessment of prospects for Iraq, government officials said Wednesday.

The estimate outlines three possibilities for Iraq through the end of 2005, with the worst case being developments that could lead to civil war, the officials said. The most favorable outcome described is an Iraq whose stability would remain tenuous in political, economic and security terms.

"There's a significant amount of pessimism," said one government official who has read the document, which runs about 50 pages. The officials declined to discuss the key judgments - concise, carefully written statements of intelligence analysts' conclusions - included in the document.

The intelligence estimate, the first on Iraq since October 2002, was prepared by the National Intelligence Council and was approved by the National Foreign Intelligence Board under John E. McLaughlin, the acting director of central intelligence. Such estimates can be requested by the White House or Congress, but this one was initiated by the intelligence council under George J. Tenet, who stepped down as director of central intelligence on July 9, the government officials said.

As described by the officials, the pessimistic tone of the new estimate stands in contrast to recent statements by Bush administration officials, including comments on Wednesday by Scott McClellan, the White House spokesman, who asserted that progress was being made.

"You know, every step of the way in Iraq there have been pessimists and hand-wringers who said it can't be done," Mr. McClellan said at a news briefing. "And every step of the way, the Iraqi leadership and the Iraqi people have proven them wrong because they are determined to have a free and peaceful future."

President Bush, who was briefed on the new intelligence estimate, has not significantly changed the tenor of his public remarks on the war's course over the summer, consistently emphasizing progress while acknowledging the difficulties.

Mr. Bush's opponent, Senator John Kerry, criticized the administration's optimistic public position on Iraq on Wednesday and questioned whether it would be possible to hold elections there in January.

"I think it is very difficult to see today how you're going to distribute ballots in places like Falluja, and Ramadi and Najaf and other parts of the country, without having established the security,'' Mr. Kerry said in a call-in phone call to Don Imus, the radio talk show host. "I know that the people who are supposed to run that election believe that they need a longer period of time and greater security before they can even begin to do it, and they just can't do it at this point in time. So I'm not sure the president is being honest with the American people about that situation either at this point.''

The situation in Iraq prompted harsh comments from Republicans and Democrats at a hearing into the shift of spending from reconstruction to security. Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, called it "exasperating for anybody looking at this from any vantage point," and Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska, said of the overall lack of spending: "It's beyond pitiful, it's beyond embarrassing. It is now in the zone of dangerous."

A spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency declined to comment on any new intelligence estimate.

All the officials who described the assessment said they had read the document or had been briefed on its findings. The officials included both critics and supporters of the administration's policies in Iraq. But they insisted they not be identified by name, agency or branch of government because the document remained highly classified.

The new estimate revisits issues raised by the intelligence council in less formal assessments in January 2003, the officials said. Those documents remain classified, but one of them warned that the building of democracy in Iraq would be a long, difficult and turbulent prospect that could include internal conflict, a government official said.

The new estimate by the National Intelligence Council was approved at a meeting in July by Mr. McLaughlin and the heads of the other intelligence agencies, the officials said.
Its pessimistic conclusions were reached even before the recent worsening of the security situation in Iraq, which has included a sharp increase in attacks on American troops and in deaths of Iraqi civilians as well as resistance fighters. Like the new National Intelligence Estimate, the assessments completed in January 2003 were prepared by the National Intelligence Council, which is led by Robert Hutchings and reports to the director of central intelligence. The council is charged with reflecting the consensus of the intelligence agencies. The January 2003 assessments were not formal National Intelligence Estimates, however, which means they were probably not formally approved by the intelligence chiefs.

The new estimate is the first on Iraq since the one completed in October 2002 on Iraq's illicit weapons program. A review by the Senate Intelligence Committee that was completed in July has found that document to have been deeply flawed.

The criticism over the document has left the C.I.A. and other agencies wary of being wrong again in judgments about Iraq.

Declassified versions of the October 2002 document included dissents from some intelligence agencies on some crucial questions, including the issue of whether Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program. The government officials who described the new estimate on the prospects for Iraq would not say if it had included significant dissents.

On Wednesday night, Sean McCormack, a spokesman for the National Security Council, confirmed the existence of the intelligence estimate, but he declined to discuss its contents in detail because they were classified. But he said the document "makes clear why it is so important to stand with the Iraqi people as they face these challenges.''

Mr. McCormack said that in describing "different possible scenarios for Iraq's political and economic future over the course of 18 months,'' the document had made clear that "Iraq's future will be determined by a number of different factors, include the nation's economic progress, the effectiveness of Iraq's political structure, and security and stability.''

He added: "In the past, including before the war to liberate Iraq, there were many different scenarios that were possible, including the outbreak of civil war. It hasn't happened. The Iraqi people continue to defy the predictions of pundits and others.''

Separate from the new estimate, Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee issued other warnings on Wednesday about the American campaign in Iraq, saying the administration's request to divert more than $3 billion to security from the $18.4 billion aid package of last November was a sign of trouble.

"Although we recognize these funds must not be spent unwisely," the committee chairman, Mr. Lugar said, "the slow pace of reconstruction spending means that we are failing to fully take advantage of one of our most potent tools to influence the direction of Iraq."

Less than $1 billion has been spent so far.

The committee's ranking Democrat, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, one of the harshest critics of the Iraq policies, was far more outspoken. "The president has frequently described Iraq as, quote, 'the central front of the war on terror,' " Mr. Biden went on. "Well by that definition, success in Iraq is a key standard by which to measure the war on terror. And by that measure, I think the war on terror is in trouble."


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There was a very interesting documentary last night on the History channel, "Targeted", about the search for Osama Bin-Laden. It left me even more convinced that while GW is acting like the world bully, he is a mental midget compared to OBL. He, along w/ the taunting by Saddam, baited GW into engaging w/ the terrorists in an un-winnable "war". GW played right into their hands. GW has never served in actual military ACTION, therefore he has no clue how to deal w/ the phychological strategies and manipulations of the enemy. He is so accustom to getting his way by using his financial and political leverage provided to him by being a member of the "lucky sperm of the month" club, that he thinks that the same bully tactics will work in the world arena. NEWS FLASH! It's NOT, and it WON'T.

Now that OBL was chased from Afghanistan, allowed to slip into Pakistan by a double crossing Afghani (why the HELL would we have entrusted their help?), and is hiding among the Taliban and Al Quaida "tribes", he is a bigger threat than he has ever been. Nuclear weapons are now but an arm-twist away. At this point, it doesn't really matter if OBL is ever killed or caught and bought to justice. The damage has been done, he will be a martyr and an inspiration to terrorists if he's killed, and a mastermind of future terrorist activities if he's not.

20 of the 23 countries who sided w/ the US going into Iraq have sustained retalitory terrorist attacks. Spain's government was effectively overthrown! How many of those 23 are still behind the US? That's a number the GOP doesn't want us to know.

If GW is re-elected, Michael Moore's description of the US people as "dumb Americans" will be concretely validated. Come Nov 3, if Kerry did not win, I will be contracting a back-hoe and a concrete truck and start construction on a bomb shelter for my family.
This presidential election is certianly the most headted and emotional i have ever seen since carter.

I came across this little tidbit, that was quite interesting. It is not intended to support kerry or deny bush, the intent of this article tidbit is a question of human rights.

"Police escorted Sue Niederer of Hopewell, N.J., from a rally at a firehouse after she demanded to know why her son, Army 1st Lt. Seth Dvorin, 24, was killed in Iraq. Dvorin died in February while trying to disarm a bomb.

As shouts of "Four More Years" subsided, Niederer, standing in the middle of a crowd of some 700, continued to shout about the killing of her son. Secret Service and local police escorted her out of the event, handcuffed her and placed her in the back of a police van."

What bothers me is the freedom of speech aspect. If a counter rally were to be organized, would it be disbanded by henchmen? Protest is allowed everywhere but campaign rallies. Any input on this one?

On a different note unrelated to the above, i tend to agree with you Johnny. Im going to save the backhoe till things degrade a lot more, but I think that under bush that the deception and underground motivation is a bit above normal, and I am tired of being told what i want to hear rather than what is happening. For michael moore, i have mixed feelings about him. I think it is great that he can have the ability to bring this information to the forefront. It show that the government is not as a corrupt as he says, or his little schpeal would not be able to surface. I like that he makes people question the powers that be, but i do question his motives. I question his references, and i question his paycheck.

I do give GW credit for sticking with something he knows is mistake, becuase a leader needs to be strong footed in his decisions whether right or wrong to keep the people together. But what bothers me is that he is not playing with battleships in the tub here, its the most powerful nation on earth at his fingertips.

But to finish my speech, I dont believe GW is evil, but going on the theme that johnny set. I dont believe that GW has any interest in me or my families life and has another agenda. I am so SICK of the negative campaign ads from both sides. I am SICK of the line "the war on terror", and I am SICK of being treated like a little number that can be changed with a little psychological "campaign ad mental massage".

I will leave you all with that, I look forward to your replies.

Big Joe
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