What a coincidence!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
United States
Obama becomes President and America has the worst stock market slide since the great depression.

Congratulations Obots. Take a bow. Even I didn't think Obama could destroy America in such short order.

Actually, America went in to a free fall when the Dems took over the COngress back in '06, but it really went into a spin when the working people of America realized Obama was going to win back in June and the dunking was complete this month when the socialist's plans were voted on and approved without review or debate.

You must be so proud of your Messiah. Sleep well with your future tucked securely under your pillow.
I expect lots of views and no comments on this thread from the sheeple around here.

The Country is under attack. Better put your heads back in the sand. Us Patriots will let you know when it is safe to come out again and start protesting the next conservative injustice.
I never voted for the dude...and fractly I laugh everytime people praise that he's a black president when he's only HALF black.....what a crock.....lucky enough my job is secure..I can work in any country and still be profittable.....good thing I chose the right career.
Us Patriots will let you know when it is safe to come out again and start protesting the next conservative injustice.

Yes, because it is only justifiable to protest conservatives and only when you have a warm bed to sleep in. What cowards :rolleyes:
I never voted for the dude...and fractly I laugh everytime people praise that he's a black president when he's only HALF black.....what a crock.....lucky enough my job is secure..I can work in any country and still be profittable.....good thing I chose the right career.

And that career would be?

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