Catch up dude! I posted that weeks ago!

Jackhole? Making up your own words now bud?

ROFL j/k
Bush should have passed on that question. What the heck kind of question was that anyway? I'm a member of a tribe and I didn't even understand what he was asking. I guess I'm just an inbred jackhole.
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The biggest JACKHOLE of all.

"I would like to know why this is “newsworthy,” but John Kerry’s misspeak during his speech at the DNC was not.

Oh, you didn’t know he misspoke did you? Let me bring you up to speed. Kerry’s remarks were prepared as follows:

We will add 40,000 active duty troops – not in Iraq, but to strengthen American forces that are now overstretched, overextended, and under pressure. We will double our special forces to conduct anti-terrorist operations.

It was during the last sentence he got a bit ahead of himself, and said instead:

We will double our special forces to conduct terrorist operations."

We will double our special forces to conduct terrorist operations."

thats actaully really funny, ROFL
Pepsi2185 said:
We will double our special forces to conduct terrorist operations."

thats actaully really funny, ROFL

Bush had a very funny gaffe yesterday. Did anyone catch it?

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