What do you guys think about this?

IM not up on it really. Another celeb with a big mouth being crucified for what rappers can say with no repercussions.
I wouldn't classify Imus with rappers though. What he said was pretty ignorant and definitely offended a lot of people. I really don't care, because I would never listen to Imus. But the fact remains he made an idiotic statement and has to deal with the fallout.
I'm especially disgusted that people are going to Al Sharpton as though he's some kind of moral authority. Sharpton is a thief, a criminal, a con man, a race baiter, and he provokes riots. I grew up listening all of his exploits and Days of Outrage on the news. Some how, ignorant liberal whites have elevated this hate merchant to some kind of black spokesperson/minstrel show.

So you have one racist going to another racist for absolution.
Imus is and always will be a homo. He is definitely radio's most ignorant, misinformed, and pointless radio host. Personally, I don't even known how he survived all these years on the radio with all of his insults, racial slurs, and cluelessness. All he ever does is hurl insults at everyone.

It just goes to show you what these limousine liberals really think about people!
What are your feelings on the whole Imus scandal?

I'm enjoying watching the 'Bush hater extraordinaire' get his comeuppance. What goes around comes around in life. His has been long overdue.

Watching liberals chow down on another liberal is quite refreshing for a change.
"nappy headed hoes"-dont see that as racist, defanatly sexist- but if it gets Imus off the air good ,he is jerk
It just goes to show you what these limousine liberals really think about people!

I'm enjoying watching the 'Bush hater extraordinaire' get his comeuppance. What goes around comes around in life. His has been long overdue.

Watching liberals chow down on another liberal is quite refreshing for a change.
What the fcuk planet do you people live on where Don Imus is a liberal? Why, because he rips on Bush? Is that your only criteria for labelling someone as a liberal? Have you heard the siht he says about Hillary? What about the things he says about Arabs? His ongoing crusade to nuke Mecca? Evilally had it right in the first part of his post: Imus hates everybody. If he dropped off the face of the earth, no one would shed a tear, liberals especially.
:I w/ Tommy B, and.........

"nappy headed hoes"-dont see that as racist, defanatly sexist- but if it gets Imus off the air good ,he is jerk


Do you think he would've used that phrase if the girls were white, EVEN IF they were all wearing corn-rows? Don't be ignorant.

Imus is getting what he asked for, I don't care if he's liberal or conservative. He is NOT a rapper (who's rhymes regularly get bleeped on the air for much less offensive words). He has NO excuse.
Imus is getting what he asked for, I don't care if he's liberal or conservative. He is NOT a rapper (who's rhymes regularly get bleeped on the air for much less offensive words). He has NO excuse.

So, if he were a rapper, then it would have been o.k.

The man made an "inappropriate" statement. Fine. But we're seeing a ridiculous over reaction directed by opportunistic racist "black leaders" and liberal white guilt.

Ethnic humor is no longer allowed? This throw away line means he should be fired, but the comments he's made in the past weren't? Rappers can use the term, but old D.J.s can't?

Why don't we just pass hate-speech legislation?

This story is amazing, it was a line that no one heard, that has become a national story. It's outrageous that Presidential candidates are being pressured to respond to this non-story.

It was a rude comment. Don't listen. Forcing him to be fired as "punishment" is a bad idea and a slippery slope.

In the meantime, when is Sharpton going to apologize to Steve Pagones? Or to the families of the people killed by the mobs he's lead? When will he and Jesse Jackson be apologizing for the all the anti-semetic remarks?
I'm especially disgusted that people are going to Al Sharpton as though he's some kind of moral authority. Sharpton is a thief, a criminal, a con man, a race baiter, and he provokes riots. I grew up listening all of his exploits and Days of Outrage on the news. Some how, ignorant liberal whites have elevated this hate merchant to some kind of black spokesperson/minstrel show.

So you have one racist going to another racist for absolution.
I don't disagree with your asessment of Sharpton. But you need to understand that the only reason he gets any coverage at all is because he's entertaining, nothing else. That's the nature of the "news" these days. As a matter of fact, I have FOX playing in the other room, and he was just on Brit Hume.
I don't disagree with your asessment of Sharpton. But you need to understand that the only reason he gets any coverage at all is because he's entertaining, nothing else.
Most people don't really know Al Sharpton. Unless you lived in New York in the 80s and 90s, you really haven't been exposed to just how dirty and crooked an individual he is.

And now, he's turned into some kind of main stream minstrel show for liberals to embrace. It's sick.

That's the nature of the "news" these days. As a matter of fact, I have FOX playing in the other room, and he was just on Brit Hume.
Can't blame Brit Hume on this, Sharpton has become part of this story. Imus (and Michael Richards before him) went on his little radio show to make amends. Then they were both on the Today Show. I'm not sure who issued a press release regarding this non-story first, but Sharpton was one of the first to get before the camera and claim outrage and call for a firing.

Now the only question is whether it's Sharpton or Jackson who attempts to extort the most money for their "organizations" from MSNBC and GE.
What the fcuk planet do you people live on where Don Imus is a liberal?
I've listened to Imus for many many years. All his favorite 'pet' guests are liberals thru and thru.

Should we refer to Imus as a liberal friendly radio talk show host then?

Once again liberals show themselves to be against free speech unless, of course, it serves their agenda.:rolleyes:
Clearly, we can see here that Imus wasn't quite "liberal enough" to protect him from this problem.
So, if he were a rapper, then it would have been o.k.

The man made an "inappropriate" statement. Fine. But we're seeing a ridiculous over reaction directed by opportunistic racist "black leaders" and liberal white guilt.

Ethnic humor is no longer allowed? This throw away line means he should be fired, but the comments he's made in the past weren't? Rappers can use the term, but old D.J.s can't?

Why don't we just pass hate-speech legislation?

This story is amazing, it was a line that no one heard, that has become a national story. It's outrageous that Presidential candidates are being pressured to respond to this non-story.

It was a rude comment. Don't listen. Forcing him to be fired as "punishment" is a bad idea and a slippery slope.

In the meantime, when is Sharpton going to apologize to Steve Pagones? Or to the families of the people killed by the mobs he's lead? When will he and Jesse Jackson be apologizing for the all the anti-semetic remarks?

You've covered that well, I have extremely similar feelings to this double-standard B.S.

In my opinion, Imus is a P.O.S. and not funny; that's besides the point though.
Clearly, we can see here that Imus wasn't quite "liberal enough" to protect him from this problem.

He was for 30 years. It is not like this is the first time he has made a 'free speech' remark.

And I am all for free speech. The libs will make sure nazify until all our freedoms are gone.
The only thing that shocked me was that he was actually still alive. I mean, he has such a vocal range: Flat, um.. Flat, oh yeah!.. no wait.. that's flat too...

My thought on this is simple. Don't like what he (or any other show host) has to say? The Radio DOES have a tuning button on it! Change the Station.

Actually, that's what I did the first time I ever heard the guy on the radio. I changed the station.
The only thing that shocked me was that he was actually still alive. I mean, he has such a vocal range: Flat, um.. Flat, oh yeah!.. no wait.. that's flat too...

My thought on this is simple. Don't like what he (or any other show host) has to say? The Radio DOES have a tuning button on it! Change the Station.

Actually, that's what I did the first time I ever heard the guy on the radio. I changed the station.

That's the way it's supposed to work.
WTF do you think "nappy headed" refers to? Are you REALLY that ignorant? He MIGHT have gotten away w/ just "nappy headed", but he followed that with the clearly degrading "hoes". Even rappers don't use "nappy headed" followed by "hoes", I challenge anyone to show me lyrics from any rapper that does. He made a very degrading comment directed at the black women of the B-ball team.

And as I stated before, the BIG difference between rappers and Imus is that people have to seek out and pay for any garbage that contains this type of degrading phrase. There is no radio in this country that allows the free broadcast of the type of language spewed by Imus. In fact, many more subtle terms that merely have sexual innuendo regularly get "bleeped" on the air. There is plenty of rap that uses the term "hoes", but it certainly gets "bleeped" before it airs. BET is especially conservative in what it allows to get broadcast (understandibly). You can hear it IF YOU PAY for XM/Sirrus or buy the CD, but you won't hear it on the air.

And I don't disagree w/ the sentiment of "who died and put Al Sharpton in charge of speaking for all black people". And I'm not giving rappers a pass for degrading women, I think it's despicable and they are doing "their community" a disservice. But I'll defend their right to shoot themselves in the foot. And I'm NOT advocating the firing of Imus. He'll lose his job soon enough if enough people tune him out. But the big crime of all this is that the racist loudmouth AND the media blowing this up stole the spotlight away from and s-h-i-t on the stage for the B-ball team and ruined any celebration they deserved for their accomplishments.

MonsterMark said:
Once again liberals show themselves to be against free speech unless, of course, it serves their agenda.

:bsflag: You can blame your nanny BuSh appointees in the FCC for all the recent restrictions on "free speech". Their knee-jerk reaction to Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" has resulted in the most restrictive censorship rules in history. You've got a twisted view of reality.
WTF do you think "nappy headed" refers to? Are you REALLY that ignorant?
Yeah, it clearly was an ethnic joke. However, I don't think they should be illegal.

He MIGHT have gotten away w/ just "nappy headed", but he followed that with the clearly degrading "hoes". Even rappers don't use "nappy headed" followed by "hoes", I challenge anyone to show me lyrics from any rapper that does.
Oh, so it's that magic combination of words that makes the term so outrageously offensive. Pardon me, but I was unaware that there was some kind of powerful force created when combining those two terms together.

I can't tell you whether that specific term has been used in a rap song before, but I do know that what is considered racist and misogynistic language is routine used in rap albums, but given a pass.

He made a very degrading comment directed at the black women of the B-ball team.
So what. This is worse than when he makes degraded comments towards the Catholic church? Or when he makes fun of the Cardinal in New York? Or when he makes fun of Jewish people? Or when he makes fun of Italians? Or when he makes fun of Chinese? Or when he makes fun of ANYONE else?

Are black people a protected class? Do we need to pass laws to PROTECT us from meaningless language that some may deem OFFENSIVE?

And as I stated before, the BIG difference between rappers and Imus is that people have to seek out and pay for any garbage that contains this type of degrading phrase. There is no radio in this country that allows the free broadcast of the type of language spewed by Imus.
What a silly argument. First off, he was taken off of MSNBC which is a CABLE NETWORK. Second, the language allowed on regular broadcast radio is infinitely more offensive and vulgar than Imus' throw-away comment.

Seriously, do you live in a bubble? Have you never heard of Opie&Anthony or any of the scores of untalented "shock jocks" on the radio?

And have you ever listened to "Urban" radio- Rap radio stations?

Clearly not.

In fact, many more subtle terms that merely have sexual innuendo regularly get "bleeped" on the air. There is plenty of rap that uses the term "hoes", but it certainly gets "bleeped" before it airs. BET is especially conservative in what it allows to get broadcast (understandibly).
Seriously, what are you talking about. They do not BLEEP the word "hoes." They do not even bleep innuendo.

What Imus said wasn't a violation of the FCC. It was simply something that could be deemed offensive.

You can hear it IF YOU PAY for XM/Sirrus or buy the CD, but you won't hear it on the air.

So basically, the crux of your argument is that Imus is "obscene" and should be taken off the airwaves because he's vulgar? Based on what? Nonsense. And compared to what is broadcast DAILY on other radio stations, it was tame. The "hate speech" on Air America directed was ten times more intense.

And I don't disagree w/ the sentiment of "who died and put Al Sharpton in charge of speaking for all black people". And I'm not giving rappers a pass for degrading women, I think it's despicable and they are doing "their community" a disservice.
You're not willing to recognize the gross double standard being demonstrated right now, and the complete lack of proportionality in the response.

But I'll defend their right to shoot themselves in the foot.
I don't even understand what you mean by this. If guys like Sharpton and Jackson were genuine, they would be working to convince guys like Snoop Dog (who publicly states that he is a Pimp and does have HOES) and 50 Cent to be better representatives in their community. Not a half-dead windbag on AM radio.

And I'm NOT advocating the firing of Imus. He'll lose his job soon enough if enough people tune him out.
The activists and reactionary, white guilt suffering liberals are trying to have him fired, and threatening to boycott his sponsors.

But the big crime of all this is that the racist loudmouth AND the media blowing this up stole the spotlight away from and s-h-i-t on the stage for the B-ball team and ruined any celebration they deserved for their accomplishments.
Blame the media and the grand standing black activists. No one was even aware of Imus' flippant joke until 2 days after the fact when Sharpton and the like used it to propelled THEMSELF into the spotlight.

Had these "leaders" not exploited this, no one would have even have heard it, and NONE of the spotlight would have been ruined for the Basketball team. Frankly, if not for this story, most people wouldn't give a crap about women's college basketball anyway.

You can blame your nanny BuSh appointees in the FCC for all the recent restrictions on "free speech". Their knee-jerk reaction to Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" has resulted in the most restrictive censorship rules in history. You've got a twisted view of reality.
Try again- the most aggressive members of the FCC have been the CLINTON appointees! And I say this having followed the troubles Howard Stern has had with the FCC for many years.
Yeah, it clearly was an ethnic joke.

There's a fine line between joke and slur. Being Jewish I've endured both. I believe Imus crossed the line.

Can you acknowledge that?

If Imus gets picked up by some pay service he can continue to spew his stuff there, and that's a point I'd like to make.

If you pay for a radio service, or see a comedian or rapper live, or rent or buy a DVD of their performance in all cases you've paid to hear what you want to hear. The rappers and comedians and shock jocks are bleeped on the free airwaves. To me that's appropriate.

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