Well, Chris....there isn't much you can do to clean up the B-pillar frame (between the front and rear doors). No matter what you do, they are going to fade.....its just the nature of them. The best thing you can do is to buy some inserts as is mentioned later on this thread or you can paint them. I've done it many times on various cars. All you have to is scuff up the area with some steel wool. After that, take some adhesive cleaner that removes oil, tar, grease, etc and wipe it down. Let that sit for a minute and mask off the area around the pillars. Go to the parts store and buy some high-glass black paint (John Deere makes some). Apply even coats and you'll be set. It may sound stupid but it works. It takes time but then again, it is cheaper than replacing them or covering them over. It also doesn't look that bad if you use a flat black paint. But, to each his own (I wouldnt recommend this if i didn't think it would work)