What do you think?

idk if i would get that one it doesnt look that nice and the dark version doesnt seem very bright. It may look differant in person but i would keep looking.
Yea, it'd be under $50 shipped and all so even if I did find something nicer I would not have lost to much and could sell it off but I well keep looking cause I want something similiar but want the numbers for the speed and tach along w/ the fuel gauge and all that to change color and not just the black ground.
I had that particular color in my LS until I switched it over the the Indiglo style. That particular style you are looking at really does light up the dash area. Also, that gauge overlay has the numbers from the 03 and up LS.
Oh, just saw it say '00-'04, thought it looked different or am I reading your post wrong lol. Well I am open to suggestions, this is something I really want to change about the interior.
It should fit any year LS but I have been told that the later year LS's from 03 on had a narrower needle base. I can't confirm that but if it is true the needle base on the 00-02 LS may rub on the hole openings.

As for the text on the gauge that is the text that is used on the 03-06 LS's. The 00-02's were different. One of those 500 changes Lincoln made in 03.
Ah, ok than. I think I'll shop around some more, not that there is probably much.
i like these ones (the 3 pics on the top are the same ones)...

Glow Gauges (Small).JPG
The first set are the ones I want!!! Where do I get 'em???? Tell Me!!!! Just messing, I do want 'em though.
ltnate3 said:
Is this a difficult install?
It isn't difficult as much as it takes some time. You will have to looosen the steering column to get the instrument cluster out.
siddymae said:
how hard is it to install those?

It's a pretty in depth operation.
You have to pull the panel under your steering column, drop down your column, remove your cluster(being very careful) then you have to remove the plastic cover, carefully place the needles in a 90 degree angle, then VERY carefully slide the new guages on over the needles(while trying not to sweat to much being afraid of breaking a needle) then replace all parts and if done right your needles will recalibrate themselves with no problems. If you have patients and a little electrical knowledge its an ok job to do.
installation shouldnt be that hard, I pulled apart my gauges just to clean a damn dirty spot inside that bothered me :D, im thinking of getting some gauges my self..

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