Dedicated LVC Member
Our government is out of control. Thousands of Americans are in federal prison for technical violations of gun control laws, all of which are unconstitutional. Not one ATF or FBI agent has ever served one day in jail or been fined one dime for their heinous acts in the matters of Ken Ballew, Ruby Ridge, or Waco.
Border Patrol Agents are being imprisoned for doing their jobs, while veteran BP agents are seeking early retirement or quitting due to the government's unwillingness to support them.
Conservatives are being persecuted or being prosecuted for process crimes, (e.g. Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay) while Democrat violators are walking the streets as free men. (William Jefferson, D-La., Sandy Burglar)
Judges are routinely trampling on the Bill of Rights by misusing the 14th Amendment. These black-robed tyrants have absolute veto power over the will of the people in any situation they choose. They are elite rulers whose power is absolute.
We already pay federal income tax and property tax, as well as social security tax and medicare tax, which we will never benefit from. We are taxed for the very air that we breathe, but this is not enough for the Federal Government.
The Federal government routinely extorts behavior and money from the states while trampling all over states' rights. This is unconstitutional.
Hate speech laws have recently been passed in Pennsylvania. Soon any Christian who witnesses for his/her faith in PA will be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Employees of all Federal agencies are permitted to carry handguns anywhere they go, including commercial airline flights. This includes the ATF, FBI, Marshals, IRS, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Labor, and many others. These employees do not have to have a permit or pay a tax for this privilege. Meanwhile, the citizens of this country who are not fed employees have to navigate through 20,000 gun control laws just to protect themselves.
These are not problems that can be solved through voting. We shouldn't have to vote to reinstate the Bill of Rights, as the constitution should trump any legislation ever written by Congress, or any decision made by the judiciary.
The government is too big and is illegally ramping up efforts to take away our rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights. This is not a Republican/Democrat issue. This is a government vs. the people issue.
I have two questions for you:
Do you have a gas chamber mentality?
Do you know the story of the frog in the pot of boiling water?
Border Patrol Agents are being imprisoned for doing their jobs, while veteran BP agents are seeking early retirement or quitting due to the government's unwillingness to support them.
Conservatives are being persecuted or being prosecuted for process crimes, (e.g. Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay) while Democrat violators are walking the streets as free men. (William Jefferson, D-La., Sandy Burglar)
Judges are routinely trampling on the Bill of Rights by misusing the 14th Amendment. These black-robed tyrants have absolute veto power over the will of the people in any situation they choose. They are elite rulers whose power is absolute.
We already pay federal income tax and property tax, as well as social security tax and medicare tax, which we will never benefit from. We are taxed for the very air that we breathe, but this is not enough for the Federal Government.
The Federal government routinely extorts behavior and money from the states while trampling all over states' rights. This is unconstitutional.
Hate speech laws have recently been passed in Pennsylvania. Soon any Christian who witnesses for his/her faith in PA will be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Employees of all Federal agencies are permitted to carry handguns anywhere they go, including commercial airline flights. This includes the ATF, FBI, Marshals, IRS, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Labor, and many others. These employees do not have to have a permit or pay a tax for this privilege. Meanwhile, the citizens of this country who are not fed employees have to navigate through 20,000 gun control laws just to protect themselves.
These are not problems that can be solved through voting. We shouldn't have to vote to reinstate the Bill of Rights, as the constitution should trump any legislation ever written by Congress, or any decision made by the judiciary.
The government is too big and is illegally ramping up efforts to take away our rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights. This is not a Republican/Democrat issue. This is a government vs. the people issue.
I have two questions for you:
Do you have a gas chamber mentality?
Do you know the story of the frog in the pot of boiling water?