What if a white guy had done this?

That pos should be banned from the sport! (if that's not the case already)

Catch that pos after the game and teach his ass some manners. Did you see the other jagoff congratulating him on it. The only way you impress these idiots is to hit em in the wallet- kick him out of the league for a year. No one ever taught him any class- like sportsmanship.
It probably would have become a riot if it was the other way around. Its perfectly fine to do it to a white guy:mad:
Are you guys seriously bringing race into this, this was some POS athlete, please don't blame the actions of one Punk on a whole race. What if a Black cop would have shot a white guy while he was handcuffed, laying facedown?
ok! people get shot every day! S**t like this happens all the time in philly! White people and black people!! Cops have a dangerous job and are underpaid (at least in philadelphia they are). I am not suprised that happened with all that s**t going on. Police are humans too and do make mistakes! I am not saying anybody deseverd to be shot but its a violant world we live in. Hey, people are being shot everyday maybe even right now as we speak across the big pond they call the atlantic ocean. There are a lot of innocent people over there too!!
How many of you have or do play full contact football? Stepping on an opponents face or any other various sundries of body parts is par for course in that game. If you have ever been at the bottom of a pile after a tackle or play, you know what goes on in there. Only color that matters there is team colors. What I observed was opponent aggression.

Does it lack class? I say fvck yes it does! Coaches and team administrators can control that type of disgusting display of trash behavior. It is the "high road" to take, whole lotta work. It is easier to let that garbage behavior be dismissed than work it clean out.
Are you guys seriously bringing race into this, this was some POS athlete, please don't blame the actions of one Punk on a whole race. What if a Black cop would have shot a white guy while he was handcuffed, laying facedown?

ummm... I don't know.
Maybe RIOTS.
So you think that was reasonable and productive as well?

Do you even have a point or do you just post the first thing that comes to your head?
ok! people get shot every day! S**t like this happens all the time in philly! White people and black people!! Cops have a dangerous job and are underpaid (at least in philadelphia they are). I am not suprised that happened with all that s**t going on. Police are humans too and do make mistakes! I am not saying anybody deseverd to be shot but its a violant world we live in. Hey, people are being shot everyday maybe even right now as we speak across the big pond they call the atlantic ocean. There are a lot of innocent people over there too!!

Talk about a thread hijack.
Something clearly went wrong in that video. We don't know what.
It seems unreasonable to presume it was a intentionally an "execution" because that makes no sense. I've heard speculation that the Officer had reached for his tazer, grabbed the wrong weapon, and shot that... a theory that also seems ridiculous. However, the officer is being prosecuted and rightly so.

I'm a supporter of the police, but it's not possible to excuse what happened in that video. Perhaps it can be explained, but even in the best case scenario, it would seem it'll have been reckless and criminally negligent on the Officers part.


The violation is inexcusable and he should be suspended for the season. That thuggish mentality and attitude is killing the sport.

The small victory is that at least he was giving a foul, ejected from the game, and his team LOST.
Are you guys seriously bringing race into this, this was some POS athlete, please don't blame the actions of one Punk on a whole race. What if a Black cop would have shot a white guy while he was handcuffed, laying facedown?

Yes, this was a POS athlete....acting in a way promoted and reinforced by modern hip-hop/thug culture (which, unfortunately dominates the lower socio-economic end of the black community). This type of arrogance and agressive self-agrandizement through intimidation is par for the course with that culture. Society is way to tolerant of that thug culture, IMO.

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