What is it with Southerners and NASCAR?


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
I almost got the $#!+ kicked out of me by a kid with Cerebral Palsy this weekend.

My good friend (Danny for those who've come to the Beach Party) had some friend come up from down in Georga.

They have a son who has cerebral palsy and is a big NASCAR fan and Jr. Fan... Reminded me of your local Packer Fans... But this guy takes it too far.

We were talking about Sunday's race and I told him the Jr. had done pretty good after the wreck.

Then I asked him about what he thinks about Jr.'s new team. Well the only words that I could make out at this time began with the letter "F", "S", and "D" as he pointed to where the "S" was to go..

We were having fun and talking about races and I mentioned that with Jr. Johnson, and Gordon that Jr.'s team should be kicking butt but that they were struggling a bit with Jr. being the best of the bunch this year.

He started joking and taking some trash and having some fun laughing and talking about NASCAR when he said something a little cocky then I said well you behave or I'll get some 24 stickers for your chair.

They kid flipped out and all I could make out was and "F" word followed by you. His parents had to remove him from the room as he kepted yelling the "F" you....

If he could have gotten out of his chair I'm sure he would have been coming after me...

Wow... Worse than any Packer's fan I know and they are a bunch of idiots..:eek:

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