what is that smell?!?!?!


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 25, 2005
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St. Louis
***Lately after ive been drivin around for a good 10 min. i start smelling a very very strong it hink gas smell, but whenever I ask my buddies they say it smells more like aerosol than anyhting??

its not coiming from the eninge, its not coming from the exhaust its just inside the cab and its driving me CRAZY.

***And another question. If i removed my exhaust up until right after teh 2 cats will it make the motor sometimes cut out (mayb no backpressure?) is this bad for the motor?
Does it smell like rotten eggs? Then you are smelling your cats getting hot. This is a common. Chances are that you are "driving it, like you stole it" with your friends. Although it could be that your fuel pressure regulator is going and you have unburned fuel in the cats getting them hot too. But that would be unlikely. Something to be aware of and check anyhow as good maintenance practice. (Harbour frieght has testers cheap)

Don't worry about back pressure loss, should you go w/ a cat-back exhaust. This may come across a bit mean but, from what you have posted about driving and maintaining your car, it won't last forever until you need to rebuild (have a professional shop do it) something else. Same goes for all of us that "race" and "drive it like you stole it."

Perhaps you may want to step up to a Trac-Lok rear and some steeper gears.
Does it smell like cat piss, my mom says my car smells like cat piss idk what the hell it is, i cant smell it,idk.
Cats have a high amount of ammonia in their urine. Could be, she smells the "cats" on your exhaust. That or a tabby came along and pissed in your car before you had it.

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