Well-Known LVC Member
I was watching the news this afternoon, and everything I saw disturbed the Hell out of me! Two stories in particular, really made me want to vomit. The first story is about Andrew Veal of Athens, Georgia. If you don't recognize his name, you soon will. Over the weekend, Andrew Veal somehow managed to get into the Ground Zero containment area (Yes,THAT Ground Zero) with a shotgun and managed to commit suicide. The motive is believed to be that Mr.Veal was despondent over Sen.Kerry's loss in the recent presidental election. (of course, the media had said that this was over George Bush's win of the election.) Either way. The other story that destroyed my appetite was the rage and fury unleashed throughout the senate over Arlen Spectre's comment over The Supreme Court and it's future nominees. THERE WERE PRAYER VIGILS OVER THIS MAN"S DISMISSAL! Does this man not have a right to his opinion? The way this story was presented, there was more rage over this man's pro-choice stance than the comment he said. I seem to remember BOTH Bush and Kerry were saying that now the election is over we need to come togheter and unify for the better of OUR Country. What in the holy-400-hell is going on folks? It seems in the past 5 days this country is splitting farther apart, much more than ever! If you want to know how the terrorists will "get us" this is how! We, as a divided country are doing it to ourselves! The terrorists have to do nothing! WE ARE DOING A GOOD ENOUGH JOB DESTROYING OURSELVES! There is no such thing as, individual thinking left in this country at all these days. Either you are LEFT or RIGHT that's it. It's just like High School all over again. Either you're cool like the Jocks and Cheerleaders; or you're cool, like the anti-social suburban bad-boy rebels and riot-grrls. What ever happened to just being you? When did us Americans become so self-righteous? Both of those stories presented to me, a prime example of how this ultra-partisan bullspit is taking the Country right down the road to a totalatarinist dictatorship in the near-future.We need to wake up and smell the revolution forming under our feet! We need to start working togheter to build a strong United States again.
*****( I know I may not sound like I'm a political theorist, but, these are MY general concerns,words, and feelings, not someone else's printed article.)
**********************************************************Put Back Togheter The Disjointed States of America! PLEASE!
*****( I know I may not sound like I'm a political theorist, but, these are MY general concerns,words, and feelings, not someone else's printed article.)
**********************************************************Put Back Togheter The Disjointed States of America! PLEASE!