What Is..


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Oak LAwn
The dumbest car idea/question you have ever seen??

add a pic if possible!!

ill start it off...

i dont remember exactly where (maybe youtube) i seen a kid burning out with his BMW and ends up flipping it over! haha
How about..."can I port, & polish my engine, by pouring sand down the intake?"
Nice !! I got another.. i saw it on ebaums world like 2 years old... someone ghost riding their pickup truck down a suburb.. the pickup then careens off the road and slams into a nearby pole the guy had to jump off the bed onto the street!
One guy told me, in all seriousness, that GM puts the best engines in it's red cars
Not so much a stupid idea or question, but a statement I often read on LvC....

(sic)"All the :q cops here keep written me tickets cuz they jealous I drive a tricked out LS."

You can't get much more stupid than that!
heres a good one. a lady comes into valvoline and wants an oil change. so first thing you do is check the oil level and it was up to the handle on the dipstick. we ask if shes aware of this. her reply."well my husband told me to put some oil in it last night because it was low and i only had 1 bottle of vegetable oil so i put that in there" WTF also i got some turn signal fluid questions too. or this guy i use to know always had his brights on he got pulled over for it before and he says thats the way the car is its stuck with the brights on. so im in the car trying to explain to him that it shouldnt be like that and he says i dont know what to do. i go over and flip the light switch back and the brights went off. he drove like that for 6 months. i think when he was at the dmv getting his license when they check your lights he turned them on and i cant fathom any logical thought after that. i wish i knew better stories
i got my gf's friend to believe the turning signal fluid stuff... then one time my buddy calls me askin for help iwth his system and on my way over i told him to connect positive to red and black to ground and ground the circuit to a metal part of the car.. when i get there he has the ground on the actual engine and ended up meltin part of the wire and metal to the block..
My girl friend had a girl at her work who told her that her avenger was the street version of the viper so my girl friend who is a car chick walked away and said nothing to her. The girl with the avenger was also talking to my girl friends co workers and told them that the avenger is a viper (quote:with same engine and every thing end quote) with a diffrent body to make it street legal My girl friend is still laughing to this day manny months later
friend: my car will not start
me: Put it in park then try
friend: o

Friend: why does my car smell and go slow
Me: take off your e break
Friend: o
both are the same girl
my gf's friend pulls into my driveway...

*tick *tick *tick
"lady" friend: i think somethings wrong with my muffler
"guy" friend: pop ur hood

problem? dip stick was hittin fan
i worked at a gas station when i was 16 up till 20 and this dumb lady comes in one day to get gas so as im pumping her gas she says do you guys sell 710 caps? i said excuse me, she said on my motor i lost my 710 cap, i said show me what you are talking about, so she pops the hood and points to an empty hole in the valve cover, and says i had a cap there that said 710 on it, i wanted to put a bullet in my head, i said like this cap and showed her one from the office counter and held it the right way for her to read the word OIL

NOT 710 how some people make it as long as they do in life when they are that stupid.
heres one...at work one day and an older guy comes in..."Can you make all my valve stems face the same way?" He wanted the stems to all be on top,so when he stops somewhere they are all the same way. lol poor guy. We did it for him anyways.

another one... guy says, I need my air changed.
i say, What?
guy says, yeah every 30,000 miles,the tires need fresh air.
guy says,honestly they do.
I leave and say,leave the car here,ill get it done for ya
guy leaves car lol lol lol
heres a good one. a lady comes into valvoline and wants an oil change. so first thing you do is check the oil level and it was up to the handle on the dipstick. we ask if shes aware of this. her reply."well my husband told me to put some oil in it last night because it was low and i only had 1 bottle of vegetable oil so i put that in there" WTF also i got some turn signal fluid questions too. or this guy i use to know always had his brights on he got pulled over for it before and he says thats the way the car is its stuck with the brights on. so im in the car trying to explain to him that it shouldnt be like that and he says i dont know what to do. i go over and flip the light switch back and the brights went off. he drove like that for 6 months. i think when he was at the dmv getting his license when they check your lights he turned them on and i cant fathom any logical thought after that. i wish i knew better stories

Do you work at a VIOC? I work in region 6. We get some of the most stupid peole. Worse part, most of the dumb ones are men. Women atleast admit they know jack. I had a guy come in, check oil level first, and then ask if he added any oil.... he said he did just filled it until he can make it in to get it changed. So I asked him how much he added. He said, "I just filled it til it was full....in the oil cap!" the stick was clear to the top.

And my favorite quote. "I'll change the transmission fluid myself". If you can do that, then why the hell are you paying us to change your oil?

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