What should i DO?


LVC Member
May 9, 2005
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been a member of LVC for a while and always injoyed everyones knowledge on mark VII's or any hotrod Lincoln. but i am facing a major problem. i have a 89 Mark VII just sitting in front of my house. runs very strong and some mods done to it. but my problem is i can't drive it cause i have no title and expired tags from two years ago. and everyday it kills me to watch it sit and not tareing up the black top. is there a way to get a title with out hunting the person whos name is on the title? cause i am getting 5.0 withdraws driving a Honda :ricesmile (Integra, but who cares). any info will really help cause i don't want to sell it, part it out, or even junk it.:frown:
Contact your local DMV/MVA. They have a process for this. I do not know for your state, but have looked into it for Maryland. In MD you would have to make an attempt to recover the title, and have evidence to support this. If you fail in recovering it, you can go in front of a judge and they can make a ruling on it. If they see that you have tried to get it to no avail, they may allow you to get it titled in your name without having the original title. This is assuming that the vehicle was last titled in someone elses name. If it was in your name, then you can apply for a replacement, but that is not what I gather from your post.
Legal Process

All states have in its vehicle code, the legal process for abandoned or salvaged vehicles.

It typically involves "due dilegence" which means you will have to provide physical evidence of that you exhausted all efforts as defined by the law of your state, to locate the last known owner and legitimately acquire rightful ownership.

The first step is the get the vin and license number and go to your DMV office and ask them to do a title search, if you do not know the owner. You tell them it was an abandoned vehicle and you have been in possession for ------ time.

Some states are satisfied with a copy of a letter from you to the owner and a response from the owner negating their rights to the car.

Other states will require you to run an ad in the newspaper as an announcement to the last owner that you are now in possession of the abandoned car and will file for ownership if they do not contact you. Blah, blah, to that affect.

The purpose of the affidavit is that you are swearing under penalty of the law that everything you say is true.

If the previous owner comes forward to dispute your claim, you will be in a heap of trouble. Fraud charges could be charged against you, so, don't try to take short cuts.
1986_MarkVII said:
...It typically involves "due dilegence" which means you will have to provide physical evidence of that you exhausted all efforts as defined by the law of your state, to locate the last known owner and legitimately acquire rightful ownership...

"Due Dilegence, that was the term I was looking for! Excellent explaination, 1986_MarkVII.
well, someone is buying the car now and they are coming to pick it up tomm.:( , but if he does not pick it up then i will take steps to find the title's name. i have his name and address but no luck finding it. if he does buy it then i need more help to find another one to drive cause i can't live without my mark VII.:(

but one day i will be back on the streets with a mark. :bow:
sad to say this, but it is gone.

hopefully by tax return i will have enough money to buy another mark and rebuild it from the ground up the way i want it. if anyone has one for very cheap around the Ky. area then let me know!
89 mark VII

I have one for sale near Saint Louis. Runs and looks pretty good - If you E-mail me I can send you the particulars and some pictures. EM4CE2000@cs.com

Good Luck,
My E-Mail address is Iggnatious@excite.com

i don't have much money right now cause of the holiday season, but if you are willing to trade then i can do it sooner. if not then i can get that money by tax return for sure. and any info with the picture on the car will be helpful! :D
nothing too special. that acura that i have. it's a 1990 Integra with 182,000 on the body and 85,000 on the engine and tranny. just rebuilt the top engine due to a stupid spark plug. and it has some (riced) performance parts on it. nothing big like turbo but good enough to chearp going into third and get good gas milage. don't know if anyone is interrested.

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