What was the price of Gas when you got your License?


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Ok, all you old guys! Let's make the young'in cry!!!

What's the lowest price of gas you can remember and What was the price of gas when you got your D.L.

For me I the lowest I remember was during an old fashon gas price war when I was a kid.

Highest in this town I went through was $.19 lowest was $.14 per gallon.

When I got my License gas prices were $.22 to $.25 per gallon. This was in 1977.

I remember cringing when it hit $.30 per gallon and then laught that it would hit $.50 per gallon.

When it hit $.50 per gallon I believed when they said it would go up to $1.00 per gallon.

In 1999 when I purchase my Conversion Van gas was $.89 per gallon.

i think i remember some places i could get gas at sometimes for like 98 sents a gallon when i was 16 maybe it was 1.10
I got my license about the same time you did Rich, and the price was.30 to .35 cents a gallon. When i graduated in 1979 it was .58 cents a gallon.
that not right man
:q:q:q:q but hey its not right that a 4000 dollar car then is worth 100k now LOL
Hi Mespock

At last a gas price thread I am gonna lose :D

The first gallon of gas I bought cost $1.16 in 1976 (11 years old) when I started to race motorcycles, the first gallon of gas I bought after getting my drivers license was $2.03 in 1981.


I bought gas for .69 a gallon when I first started driving. That was in the summer of 1998.
pepperman said:
I got my license about the same time you did Rich, and the price was.30 to .35 cents a gallon. When i graduated in 1979 it was .58 cents a gallon.

I use to keep a change pocket on my Motorcycle jacket that was my gas fund. All change went into that pocket and when I needed gas that's what i used.

My mom would always give me a $1.00 when I'd go out just so I had enough to by gas if needed.

Gee what would that $1.00 buy today. LOL
yeah i rememebr in drivers ed class during the class room or driving seasion if we didnt have atleast 2 dollars in our pocker for gas money we whernt alowed to partake in class that day and had to make it up the next day and do 2 times the work man LOL
i ask my father he sed that in 1962 when he got his drivers licens and drove leagle for the first time
gas was about .31 cents a gallon man
I remember gas being .20 to 25 cents a gallon when i was kid growing up and some of the stations would do some of a promotional thing and give away stuff, Texaco would give away a toy fire truck or what ever.
see i mised that cheap gas for a whyll couse
i was under suspension for 4 years in 99 until 2003 man
$.27 per gallon in 1969. The reality for me is that gas is more than 10 times what it was then but it is actually less costly as a percentage of my income now.
$.75 per gallon was the max I would pay on my route to work when I worked for my first ISP. There were 6 gas stations on the way and Texaco usually had the lowest price.

I remember being pissed when I worked for a photo company traveling that I had to pay over $.90 in Massachusetts
yeah well just emagin if you a have kids now when they get there licens how mouch gas will be and they will be asking you for gas money LOL
2002 1.25$ for regular. That was what my local mobil station was charging.
Conti94 said:
2002 1.25$ for regular. That was what my local mobil station was charging.
hey conti whats up havnt seen you around in a whyl
Been busy this weekend. My town had it's local taste this weekend. Taste of Melrose Park. So I have been there almost the whole weekend. Great food all weekend. woot. :Beer
i know what you mean we had that last month here in cleveland
saposed to have another one lol
they keep doing stuff like that but our stupid mayor dosnt get it you cant do this crap over and over agen couse then it wont be called the tast of cleveland anymore come that can realy on be ones a year you know
they keep changing up buy having difrent stuff each time like rips one time mexican the next
difrent things like that Man
89cents per.

I just talked with my great aunt, and in 1928(when she started driving), it cost her 3 cents/gal.

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