What would a Lincoln do to this car?


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States

The World's Cheapest Car.
What would happen if It got hit by my Lincoln..
India's Tata Group unveiled Thursday the world's cheapest car costing 2,500 dollars amid predictions the no-frills vehicle could revolutionise how millions in India and elsewhere travel.​
The four-door, five-seat sporty-looking car, which defied pre-launch predictions that it would be little more than a "motorised bullock cart on wheels", is due to hit the roads later this year at just 100,000 rupees (2,500 US dollars), excluding tax, after the Tata Group cut costs to the bone.
might scratch the chrome.

but if everyone had one, thier would be few fatal accidents.
It's small, but my dad still has a 1970 Subaru 360. Google it... it's tiny. The car will run about 60 mph (plenty fast), has a Kawasaki 360 2cycle engine and suicide doors. Really a neat and fun little car.

I heard its going to replace all the scooters that run around in India....you know the guy who has his kid on the handle bar and his wife on the back seat.

Bryan Votes for Hillary

OMG thats funny ! :D :D :D
BMW used to have a 'bubble' car that looked like that. ^^ Driving one of those little cars would be ok, if everyone had one, like Ground said. But, at the moment, with all those big azz SUVs on the road? Lol. No chance.

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