What would you do?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
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Saint Louis
n 4/19/05 I went to the company for brake work. They replaced the front and rear pads and the front rotors. The rotors came with a 12 month or 12,000 mile warranty. When I left I noticed that the steering wheel was shaking and the brakes were squeaking. I took the vehicle back immediately. The company said if the problem persists after 1000 miles I could come back. I went back about a week later they said give it some time. I went back at exactly 1000 miles of original work since it was still squeaking and shaking. They told me that the rotors were warped so they resurfaced the rotors. The company tried to repair this same problem several times to no avail. I paid $442.03 for repairs that did not repair my vehicle. I have been sent to another location since the original location said there was nothing else they could do. This location said that the rotors were bad and I needed to pay for them to be replaced. i told them im not giving them :q:q:q:q. then he says i have 2 choices i either pay 150 for new rotors or hell replace em and i can never come back. so i said replace them. no more than a week later they squeeked again all teh time. ive called everyone in corporate and everyone i could. but no one returns calls. i finally contacted the bbb and they contacted midas. but no return then finally the manager replies with this.

11/8/2005SAN: We did replace the rotors and we warrantied out the whole job. The problem persisted. The customer races the vehicle and we've discussed this. We've worked on the vehicle several times. -Jarrod Eckman, Owner

so i come back with this

I race the car, how would they know what I do or don't do with my car first off. Second off I only drive the car to and from work five days a week, it sits on the weekend. I never race the car. It's a luxury sedan not a sport car. I can't even begin to ponder how or why these people would say this. I came back a week later and they refused me work. That's such bull. I'm a 22 year old student and this place thinks they can take advantage of me. How or what can I do to prove my point. This seems like its getting me no where. I spent $500 on something that doesn't even work properly. What is it going to take my brakes going out and killing myself for this place to acknowledge me? Please tell me what can I do about this? Please, I work hard for my money and can't afford to let it go to waist over something like this. What is there that I can do?

No return from the BBB. please help what should i do. im out 450 for nothin

Yes, that's total bullsh!t... just another dumass working for a big corp that doesn't care about the customer. I would suggest writing the BBB again. But, also, eventually someone in corporate will get ahold of you.. just raise a huge stink and threaten all kinds of things and someone will take notice.

Next time.. just get your rotors from Summit and do it yourself... you can save $, learn a bit, and in cases like this; do a better job.
Take them to small claims court. If you still haved the original paperwork that says they will fix it. There is not much they can do. Make them refund the original amount that you paid. talk to a lawyer also most will talk to you free and if you win they will have to cover your cost. Also you might try talking to the local tv networks. Around here you can sometime get them to do a special talking about how they have taken advantage of people.
ive called and raised all kinds of hell. for 3 months str8 i called every monday and each time they said someone would call me within 3 days. so id give them till friday and no return. ive called their corporate store and they have a listing of everyone in the office and u push the buttion and everyone is away from their desks, so i leave them all messages once a week, hoping that if im persistant theyll respond but nothing. i think im gonna call my lawyer and c if he can do anything.

Do u ever wish that you had ever conversation recorded, man that would be great i could put them in check (also the girlfriend, lol)
file a lawsuit in small claims court. it'll just take a few weeks and a signed waiver to get your check:)
If you have a local TV station that does a "call for action" contact them. They love this kind of story!!
Also if you paid with a credit card you can dispute it with your card company. Just inform them you paid for a service that has a warranty and the company is not honoring the warranty, most card companies will then investigate and sometimes credit your account and then they will handle the headache. Also to have more of an a$$hole aproach take one saturday and sit on the sidewalk with a sign THIS PLACE RIPPED ME OFF!! DOES NOT DO GOOD WORK!!! As long as you stay on the sidewalk not on their property and don't have any contact with customers or employees you should be well in the limits of the law.
I totally agree with the TV thing.... I see stuff like this all the time in Tampa Bay. We have a couple of TV stations that eat up stuff like this. Nobody like negative publicity. As far as the racing thing, your right what do the have someone following you. Good luck
That sucks. But for the problem...maybe you have a stuck caliper. If that happens, it can look like you have been racing the car too. Idiots. This is why I work on my cars. At least I know who screwed up then. :)
I love how you refered to them as the "company" and then finally used the name Midas. As far as the BBB, Midas has given them a good enough answer so you might as well forget about them. Everyone has a boss so its just a matter of getting to the right person. Also the kind of message you leave is important, dont sound like a pissed off guy looking to get someone fired. I'd use the publicity route, news, paper, signs for awhile just to piss em off, then file a small claims lawsuit.
the reason why i used company is that when u file a complaint you tell them in another section the companys name and address and give all their info. i emailed a news company this whole letter and gave them the whole info. maybe just maybe someone will see my viewpoint. i also called midas yesterday and left them a message saying that ive contacted the BBB and that i will be contacting the local news and my lawyer on monday, to set up a claim in small claims court. i hope this will scare them a little
You don't have to have a lawyer to go to small claims court. Might save you some money.
Bill , you would probably have to go to the local court house and find out!!!!

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