What year engine harness can I use?


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 22, 2007
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north pole
I am looking for an engine harness like this one in the link below. I have a 1996 Mark VIII and what to know what year engine harness i can buy? I feel like 93-95 would not work because it is not OBDII and i feel like 97-98 would not work because of the COPS. Do I have to use a harness from a 1996 or would a gen 2 harness work?

COPs versus coil packs, vacuum versus electric IRMCs, where the IAC is, I think those might be deal breakers (IAC would be easy to extend, I know).

I can't find anything in that picture of the harness stuffed in the box that makes it obvious what year it is for. I see the wiring/connectors for injectors, but not for COPs, or for coil packs for that matter.
'96 is the weird year. Because of OBD2 but also not being Gen 2 there are tons of little things that are specific to that year only.
I am relocating my ECU from under the driver's side dash to in the glove box. I am pretty sure one of the wires in the harness is bad so i am going to pull the harness to test it. I figured while it is out I might as well make more room for my clutch pedal anyways and re locate it. I was originally planning on using another engine harness as an extension since it was cheap but seeing as it seems to be 96 specific I am now probably just going to buy a bunch of regular wire.
I am relocating my ECU from under the driver's side dash to in the glove box. I am pretty sure one of the wires in the harness is bad so i am going to pull the harness to test it. I figured while it is out I might as well make more room for my clutch pedal anyways and re locate it. I was originally planning on using another engine harness as an extension since it was cheap but seeing as it seems to be 96 specific I am now probably just going to buy a bunch of regular wire.

You will be creating more problems re-wiring all of that. I would fix the one wire the right way first. I'm 98% sure you need a 96 only harness.
I am relocating my ECU from under the driver's side dash to in the glove box. I am pretty sure one of the wires in the harness is bad so i am going to pull the harness to test it. I figured while it is out I might as well make more room for my clutch pedal anyways and re locate it. I was originally planning on using another engine harness as an extension since it was cheap but seeing as it seems to be 96 specific I am now probably just going to buy a bunch of regular wire.

Do this instead, thanks to mmaker.... simple and sweet.




Are you still using a cable?
Is it working for you?
I don't think your pictures uploaded properly i can't see them. And yea i still have the cable it works well enough but is just very stiff. Also my clutch as already began to slip and i am wondering if it had to do this this clutch setup(the "grap" point is/was very high in the pedal movement) and I have adjusted it as far as it goes. I think i will eventually switch to a hydraulic set up when I have the time and money and I would like the computer out of the way for when i do that. Right now I am having all sorts of electronic/engine issues from a (cobra intake swap) i am trying to sort out first then i will look at the tranny stuff.

There are basically 3 Mark VIII engine wiring harnesses.

My OBD2 converted '93 has the 97-98 Harness (modified).

The '96 harness is different from both the earlier years and later years and you cannot use it in any other than the '96 (without modification of course).
One more question......How difficult is it to pull the entire engine harness without taking anything else apart? or will i need to take a few things apart to get the harness out?
Pretty easy really. There is a bulkhead connector at the drivers side corner on the firewall where it all starts and ends. The harness connectors for the O2 sensors and a couple others are best accessed from under the car on a lift. Overall the harness simply unplugs lifts out.

I'm not sure if relocating the PCM will require pulling the pass thru connector in the firewall itself. The bulkhead connector on the engine side of the firewall routes through the firewall to the PCM connector and a couple other harness connections inside the car under the dash.
I don't think your pictures uploaded properly i can't see them. And yea i still have the cable it works well enough but is just very stiff. Also my clutch as already began to slip and i am wondering if it had to do this this clutch setup(the "grap" point is/was very high in the pedal movement) and I have adjusted it as far as it goes. I think i will eventually switch to a hydraulic set up when I have the time and money and I would like the computer out of the way for when i do that. Right now I am having all sorts of electronic/engine issues from a (cobra intake swap) i am trying to sort out first then i will look at the tranny stuff.
I think your right...
Go here

Page 17
I have another quick question. What size are the engine harness wires? I am up and school right now so I cant go out and look myself. I would like to order the wire soon so that it is waiting for me when i get home for the holiday break.

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