What's Causing Fuel-Pump Shut-Off?


New LVC Member
Jan 11, 2015
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Hi everyone. What would cause my 2001 LS to disengage the fuel pump after sitting in garage overnight? This has happened three times now. The first (mid summer) time, I check relays and diodes before finally changing the fuel pump which fixed it. The second time (4-5 months later/late fall) I changed fuel filter and then the pump again (thinking prior was defective) which fixed again. Third time (month later/winter) I flipped relays and fuses around and finally determined that the common link was having the battery disconnected long enough to reset something which after 2h did the trick. I'm guessing there's something triggering one of the fuel shut-off mechanisms but not sure how to diagnose or repair. PLEASE HELP!

Bought them both from AdvAuto; 1st not sure but 2nd was Airtex. Not really sure though it was ever the pump since the 3rd time I didn't change and only flipped circuits and left battery disconnected for couple hours.
So, how do you know the pump isn't activating? Do you listen to see if it primes or not before you turn all the way to start? Have you checked battery voltage while trying to start the engine? Do you have the correct battery with the vent hose attached?

It seems that Airtex fails often. Maybe you should try OEM?
Thanks for trying to help! I actually keep the car hooked up to a battery tender during the winter when temps go way down as LS know for draining. Battery is correct one with vent out back. I listen for priming but nothing when problem occurs. Are you thinking pump just came back the last time after unplugging?
AIRTEX? Man I HATE Airtex! You only use Airtex fuel pumps when you decide you need a lot of practice changing fuel pumps. I friggen can't STAND Airtex! Any time I hear someone is having fueling problems and they say they have an Airtex pump, I give NO other suggestions other than to replace the piece of **** Airtex with an ACTUAL fuel pump. It doesn't matter if they changed the pump yesterday. Did I mention that I friggen HATE Airtex? Whoever said that you should not hate, never dealt with Airtex fuel pumps. Might as well have one of these for a fuel pump as to have an Airtex. it would do a better job.

AIRTEX? Man I HATE Airtex! You only use Airtex fuel pumps when you decide you need a lot of practice changing fuel pumps. I friggen can't STAND Airtex! Any time I hear someone is having fueling problems and they say they have an Airtex pump, I give NO other suggestions other than to replace the piece of **** Airtex with an ACTUAL fuel pump. It doesn't matter if they changed the pump yesterday. Did I mention that I friggen HATE Airtex? Whoever said that you should not hate, never dealt with Airtex fuel pumps. Might as well have one of these for a fuel pump as to have an Airtex. it would do a better job.


Thanks for the advice and guess I will be changing the pump once again!

Is there one you've had the best experience with?

Hopefully, this one will continue to work long enough for me to grab one online for reasonable $$$.

Thanks for all the help even if it means another $120!
Motorcraft would be the best for a Lincoln. Delphi and Carter would also be fine choices. Won't guarantee that it will fix the issue, but you want to get rid of all the crap variables you can and Airtex is a crap variable. I might also mention that this is a lesson I learned the hard way.
the fuel shut off switch wouldn't reset itself after the batter being off for awhile, you would need to manually reset it.
the fuel shut off switch wouldn't reset itself after the batter being off for awhile, you would need to manually reset it.

But the switch can fail. Mine failed, but in the "delivery" mode. No matter how hard I whacked the switch it wouldn't trip. A new one solved the problem.
the fuel shut off switch wouldn't reset itself after the batter being off for awhile, you would need to manually reset it.

Didn't say it was the problem, suggested to double check it, including the fuse and relay, corrosion is a terrible thing!
But the switch can fail. Mine failed, but in the "delivery" mode. No matter how hard I whacked the switch it wouldn't trip. A new one solved the problem.

that failure also wouldn't be explained or cured by having the power disconnected...

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