whats your opinion??

First one is OK but overpriced, second one is low mileage but really high priced, third one is eww.
First one is OK but overpriced, second one is low mileage but really high priced, third one is eww.
i wasn't aware of a price on the first.. i just think for all that time and money they spent.. look how crappy the headlights are...

the second is so over priced .. i wonder what they are smokin'??..

and the third is hideous.. my stomach turned when i saw it.. so i figured id share
MediumD said:
First one is OK but overpriced, second one is low mileage but really high priced, third one is eww.
^^^what he said:D :D ^^^ all so all that money put in the first one and didn't even fix the headlights (what no hid's:eek: :eek: )

devilchild said:
i wasn't aware of a price on the first.. i just think for all that time and money they spent.. look how crappy the headlights are...

That car has been on the market for awhile. They might've brought their price down by now. But I doubt it's down to a reasonable level...
thats weird. i found the 1st one on google a while ago. ive had pics for a long time.
First car nicely done but wretched excess, second car wretchedly overpriced, and third car just plain f---n' wretched.
Man o man all that nice interior work, customizing and moron leaves the yellow a$$ headlights. Ton of cash went into it, but as we all know you cant get it back.
2nd one, they must either be on crack or they owe a huge note and need to pay off.
Last one ...please, someone put it out of its misery...although low mileage, maybe part it out.
I don't think I've ever seen a car on Autotrader that *wasn't* insanely overpriced.

I've always had much better luck with Auto Traders, classified ads, and randomly driving around past used car lots.
the interior looks nice, but the doors look RIDICULOUS! They are SOOOO BIG up in the air like that!!!
That's just a tremendous amount of weight to have suspended in the air like that... what's the danger of them dropping down and knocking someone out.
Calabrio said:
That's just a tremendous amount of weight to have suspended in the air like that... what's the danger of them dropping down and knocking someone out.

who do you think would find you first? the police - or the coyotes?
They're all overpriced.
I am not a fan of "lambo" doors.
That 3rd one is butt ugly.

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