Wheel noise?


New LVC Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Just bought a 04 LS yesterday and today the drivers side front wheel is making a brushing sound with each revolution. It almost sounds like a plastic bag stuck in the axle. Any suggestions or ideas.
if your lucky it could just be the vibration plate is bent a little bit, this happens from taking the wheel off and hitting into it.

take the wheel off and check, it's the thin curved part behind the rotor. you can go around and make sure it's bent back far enough.

or it could be the wheel bearings/hubs. I'll be doing those next week.

orrrr someone is messing with you and put a zip tie on your axle, lol
or low pads? anyhow good luck with the LS welcome aboard.
Fixed...kind of!!

Turns out when I took the wheel off the coating on the inside was pulling away from the wheel. I pulled the loose pieces off and it cured the noise but it appears it will eventually cause the chrome on the outside to peel as well. Bittersweet quick fix!!

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