When news networks get it right....


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Well..when news networks are right, they're right!! Check out the words under Bush's chin...."I LIE".....SWEET!!! LOL

I'm sure it was planned to have Bush in that frame from the very beginning by the liberal main stream media . . . j/k. LOL, that was funny, Ron! Chalk one up for your side.

Don't put the j/k in there..I'm sure Bryan will be here shortly with his conspiracy theory on this...LOL
Yup. Did you see Brokaw and Jennings pathetic attempts to prop up Rather. Oh man. Dan is such a good and fair minded reporter that works so hard. Blah, blah, blah. He's a liberal sympathizer that finally outed himself.

Regarding the picture, you don't think NBC did that on purpose??? They have thousands of pictures to choose from and they just happen to pick that one. Ya, just coincidence.

We are going to have to start importing sand from the Middle East just to take care all of you guys that keep sticking your heads deeper and deeper into it.
Are you serious Bryan? That was from a moving picture. Some wise-ass freeze framed it there. This wasn't an NBC thing at all. It was actually Bush and Cheney's sign that read "Tax Relief for Working Families". Our heads may be buried in the sand, but clearly your head is buried up Bush's ass.... :F
RRocket said:
Our heads may be buried in the sand, but clearly your head is buried up Bush's ass.... :F
Oh Crap, "No, he didn't?"

Now this thread is gonna run for DAYS!!! :bash:
RRocket said:
Are you serious Bryan? That was from a moving picture. Some wise-ass freeze framed it there. This wasn't an NBC thing at all. It was actually Bush and Cheney's sign that read "Tax Relief for Working Families". Our heads may be buried in the sand, but clearly your head is buried up Bush's ass.... :F
It gets so tiring correcting you guys all the time. Will you EVER get anything right? I think you do it on purpose just to keep me busy.
Jump ahead four years, and on Monday night the NBC Nightly News displayed the letters "ILIE" for 16 seconds next to President George W. Bush's face in a "Decision 2004" graphic beside anchor Tom Brokaw as he introduced a story by David Gregory.
The letters came from the word "FAMILIES" in a sign on the far side of Bush, which read:

At the Iowa event, Bush signed bills to extend some provisions of his tax cuts which otherwise would have expired next year.


A zoom-in on a portion of what NBC Nightly News displayed
The right half of NBC's screen was consumed by a waist-up shot of Brokaw. On the left, at the bottom, the NBC News "Decision 2004" graphic. Above that, a side shot of Bush's head turned slightly toward the TV viewing audience. The letters "ILIE," the MRC's Tom Johnson astutely noticed, ran from screen edge to his Bush's chin. The rest of the background was blank. The letter "I" could be seen, but since it was partially cut off on the lower left side of it, viewers may have assumed they were only seeing part of another letter and so saw "LIE." If they identified it as an "I," then they saw: "ILIE." Brokaw's intro took 20 seconds, but for four seconds Bush's movements obscured the last two letters, "IE."

I expect more and better from you Ron. Usually you are not so careless with your facts.

Add NBC to the list with C-BS as obviously biased political operatives of the liberal extreme left wing.
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