where do u think the money should have gone???


Active LVC Member
Oct 19, 2004
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belle glade florida
ok i was watching a news show about the inaguration n its great n all way to go bush or whatever but they brought up a good point and that was with all this national debt and money needed to b put toward war funds and money needed for tsunami aid do u think bush really needed a party that cost over 45 million dollars or do u think we couldve put it to better use???????
just wondering if that bothered anyone else????
It would have been far better, and more benificial if that money had gone to the families of the servicemen and women fighting over in Iraq.
The families of thoes service men and women who paid the ultimate price, who are at times living in sub-standard housing, should have been the ones to receive the benefit of all that waisted money.
As always, the repubs need desperately to show they command attention, even if it is at the cost of thoes who have given all for this country.
They should be ashamed for such a spectical.
That "parade" looked like the second comming of the third reight.
He had multiple parties... sucked, 45Million... our troops are driving HumVees with no armor in Iraq... nice.
Was this inauguration any different than past ones? (honest question)
In a way, yes, our last Inauguration during a war time was with FDR (I believe) and he had a small party with Chicken Salad served.
hottweelz said:
In a way, yes, our last Inauguration during a war time was with FDR (I believe) and he had a small party with Chicken Salad served.
Well, that was WWII. The whole country and most of the worlds entire endeavors centered on that war. Everything was rationed and most everything produced was to fight it. Not to belittle what we're doing in Iraq, but that's comparing an apple to a barrel of apples. What about more recently?
I don't believe we really have anything more recently to compare to... JFK had a regular parade, Nixon, I dunno, Ford, Carter, times were hard financially, Reagan started changing our Economics as we know it. Bush1 and Clinton were fruitful years towards the end. This really is kinda the worst spot we've been cornered into in a pretty long time. ( I think )
I can understand where some people may be offended at celebrating Bush's inauguration. But in the grand scheme of things, is this really so out of the ordinary?
Does anyone know where this 45 mil came from? I know us serfs footed most of the security bill, but how much of the 45 mil came from the public trough?
"Was this inauguration any different than past ones? (honest question)"

It defenitely was.
This one with all it's glits and glamour, plus millions spent on security was all being done at a time when our troops in Iraq have to stoop to salvage yards to outfit their vehicles so as to protect themselves.
I said it before, AND IT BEARS REPEATING, This was an outlandish show of medioricty.
The republicans would have done a much better service to this country and our service men and women, too just have only the inauguration ceromony.
Skip the parade and all the glitz that followed.
The money could have been much better spent.
this was said to b the most expensive inaguration in the history of the ceramony this in a time where we really couldve found better uses for it
Good opinions all, but sour grapes none the less. Just my $0.02. This is really about Bush. If it was a democrat and $45 mil was spent, there would not be a peep about it.
nope id still say it im not really the type to judge based just on rep or dem im just sayin y is it that we feel the need to go out n have this this expense when we dont need to i kno 45 mill in the bigger pic prolly aint that much n still couldnt have corrected any of the problems but i c america today much like its ppl who have no money but have no problem sayin just put it on the credit card and not buying neccesary things b4 luxuries i just kno one thing u take any senator or the president give him a trip for moral in iraq they get some body armor n the guys they c might not have sh*t but i guess its all good aslong as u make sure u look out for number one in their eyes
Again my opinion, but I believe the talk about body armor and humvee armor is taken to a level well beyond it should. We have the obligation to make sure that our servicemen are properly equipped, but this argument is being used for other purposes besides the safety of our military personnel. It's just another way to defame the president and Republicans in general, or to complain about the system. All fighter planes in WWII weren't P51 Mustangs. Everybody in an infantry squad doesn't carry a SAW. And all humvees aren't armored; they weren't designed to be armored vehicles. They were a replacement for the old 1/4 ton jeeps. Do you remember any complaints about the lack of armor in jeeps in WWII and Korea? Again, I'm not down playing the very real danger our army is facing in Iraq due to mines and car bombs, but I'm not buying the argument. The real reason for the complaining is that people don't want us to be over there in the first place so any and all things that are wrong or even perceived as wrong will be greatly magnified.
ok i c ur argument n hey its understandable n im not just sayin that ya this party is the absolute decline of everything yes i use these 2 things as examples of things that will b and have been around for awhile u can say ya there r underlying issues or whatever but hey im just saying if u take a close look on how we spend money around this country its not to hard to c y we aint got none for other sh*t yes i could sit around naming off a bunch of stuff that this country does wrong but u c this right here is y i would rather stay away from this couse u say dem n rep to most of the career politicians all that means to them is hey i got to say this or that to keep my paycheck most of them have lost all sense of passoin for the job that they went into the job with i mean what is this system about the person who can accually fix things or the person who looks like they might b lying less when i look at the politicains i c a big game of like survivor who can stab ppl in the back while still looking like they r innocent
"K BOB", Could you say the same things you just posted to the famlies who have lost loved ones because the equipment was sub-standard.
I doubt they feel it is "sour grapes" as you so aptly put it.
It was bad enough getting into that rotten war in the first place but, not equiping the forces with life sustaining equipment is unconsionable.
Tell thoes broken families you think it is all to get back at Bush.
You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking such a thing.
It boils down to the administration not giving a damm about protecting our service people, rather, putting on a big "show" held center stage.
You should come down off your high horse and take off the rose colored glasses.
See this for exactly what it is, republican extravigance at the cost of service personal lives.
Some of the money was donated but, the cost of the thousands of security people came right out of the treasury.
It was uncalled for.
Thoes millions could very well have equipped many military vehicles with much needed armour, which could have saved lives.
The problem with you Bush lovers is, you can't see the forest for the trees.
hey bob nice but u kno what f*cked up bout it i was readin another article n it was backed up by a few ppl i kno in the military a few service men wrote home about not having armor so their families said hey we can help u out n sent them vests and guns to use couse what they had for a gun was like a pea shooter n the gov sent it bac saying it wasnt gov issue so we cant do it wtf they made their guys go without even tho their own fam sent em stuff they needed cmon i understand the gov has there own stuff but make ur own men suffer when they had the stuff sent to them screw bush lovers anyone thats just f-up no matter who does it
I think you will find that the vehicles without armor are the ones being used by Reservists that were called up. No one ever expected the Bush administration to use the Reserve to the extent that he did.

In my opinion, most of the Reservists never expected to be shipped overseas. Most expected to be "Weekend Warriers" or a worst, used to defend our borders.

As much is I hate Emperor Bush, I don't think the armor issue is directly his fault. Blame can be placed on several past administrations, both Republican and Democrat that have treated the Reserve as the poor stepchild, giving them old and worn out vehicles.

Where the last (hopefully) of the Bush Dynasty made his error was in not realizing (miscalculating as the real brains of the outfit Cheney said) that the insurgents would use the stored arms, we failed to guard, against us in car bombs. That sole reason created the need for body armor in vehicles that were only intended as transportation and mounts for mobile weaponry.


You have a lot of valid things to say. My old brain has trouble decyphering some of your writings. Please use complete words so we old guys know what your are talking about. Thanks.
HumVee Armor or not, $45mil, Battle Vehicles is just one example... how about taxes? medicaire? $45mil in college grants, $45million dollars is Books for College Students, approximately 200,000 College Students. Just examples. Dem or Rep, that should have been a $4500 party, not $45million.
Bob Hubbard said:
"K BOB", Could you say the same things you just posted to the famlies who have lost loved ones because the equipment was sub-standard.
I doubt they feel it is "sour grapes" as you so aptly put it.
It was bad enough getting into that rotten war in the first place but, not equiping the forces with life sustaining equipment is unconsionable.
Tell thoes broken families you think it is all to get back at Bush.
You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking such a thing.
It boils down to the administration not giving a damm about protecting our service people, rather, putting on a big "show" held center stage.
You should come down off your high horse and take off the rose colored glasses.
See this for exactly what it is, republican extravigance at the cost of service personal lives.
Some of the money was donated but, the cost of the thousands of security people came right out of the treasury.
It was uncalled for.
Thoes millions could very well have equipped many military vehicles with much needed armour, which could have saved lives.
The problem with you Bush lovers is, you can't see the forest for the trees.
I'm asking this because (1) I don't know and (2) I don't think you know either. But how many military personnel have been killed because of "sub-standard equipment"? Talk about high horse, I can hear your answer now "if only 1 person could be saved . . . ." If I'm on a high horse, you're in a hot air balloon. Other questions: How many humvees are over there and how many are not armored? What's the schedule to have them all armored? How many don't have body armor and are these combat troops or support personnel? If you really and sincerely cared you'd have already looked this up. But it's much easier to moan and gripe and despise out of ignorance, isn't it? I'll tell you what's shameful, and that's your hypocritical attempt to silence my opinion by trying to put me on a guilt trip. By your standard the only ones that have a right to say anything on this subject are those that agree with you. All I was trying to do was shed some more light on the topic. I'm sorry if you were offended. If I had a family member that died in Iraq I'd be offended with you using his/her death for the sake of a political argument. And if I have rose colored glasses, you have gray colored ones, sir, if you can't see the pork that both repubs and demos spend. Money that, as you say, is "extravigance at the cost of service personal lives." [sic]
You have a lot of valid things to say. My old brain has trouble decyphering some of your writings. Please use complete words so we old guys know what your are talking about. Thanks.
i am very sorry i am used to instant messaging where u use the more short hand form of writing ill be sure to try and write everything out in full now so u can understand everything i am trying to say thank you
and one other thing hotwheelz i think college tuition and help is a great investment for our future that wouldnt be wasting money in my mind how else will we as a country be if we dont have knoledgable people who wont repeat history

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