Where IS the A/C drain?


LVC Member
Jun 2, 2005
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Hi, gang! Just a quick curious question: Where exactly does any moisture drain out from the air conditioning? Looks to me like instead of two drips on each side of the front end, there's only ONE lil puddle smack under the middle of the engine -- or am I seeing a mirage since I live in Arizona, where moisture is mighty rare these days?

PS: My '98 silverfrost/light graphite LSC with 30K is at the shop today -- a dreaded vaccum leak was defaulting the AC from the dash panels to the defroster during acceleration. And of ALL the potentially leaky lines, the defective one OF COURSE turned out to be the one going through the firewall and dash into the back of the EATC itself. My LM wheeler-&-dealer just called to say it'll be $300 to fix, but since it's supposed to be 114 degrees today in Phoenix, I reckon it's nothing less than SANITY money....
If yours is anything like mine......;)

It should drip from the passenger side firewall area. That is the location of the evaporator (thing that makes the air cold). I agree with you about the sanity money. I knew I had a leak in my system, so I did a partial charge with UV dye, ran it, and found my front compressor seal is bad.

I have to call ford in the morning, and see what a seal kit will be for it. Hope you get it fixed.

Thankfully, it's all fixed now. I picked her up at 4:00 pm and the car's outside temp reading was 113 degrees -- talk about hot wheels!

AND hot under the collar, to boot, because my LM service rep pissed me off royally. When I first talked to the guy earlier in the morning, I explained that after running the EATC self-diagnostic test, I was getting an error code 155 -- which I saw online meant that the system was suffering from low pressure, presumably due directly to the vac leak. When I asked the service rep if the 155 would be gone when I picked the car up, he assured me that it would be gone.

Liar. When I picked the car up, the first thing I did after starting it (well, and of course after I PAID for it) was run the EATC diagnostic again. To my HORROR, I discovered that not only was the 155 still present, but the EATC was throwing a new code as well -- an 030 = an in-car temp sensor short. Accordingly, I marched back to the service rep's office to confront him, and after consulting the mechanic who actually did the work, the slimeball had the NERVE to say that in a car as "old" as my Mark, stuff breaks all the time, but he would be more than happy to look at it and see what else he could "discover" if I wanted to leave the car another day.

When I informed the sleazoid service rep that my intent in coming to the dealership was to eliminate error codes rather than to acquire new ones, he sneered that I would NOT get a free temp sensor from him for nothing.

Needless to say, THAT service rep will never get another cent from me. Especially because unbeknowst to the all-knowing Mr. Sleazy, it appears the EATC error code 030 flashes whnever the driver's door is open, which mine was at the time.

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