where should i go for breakfast?


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 2, 2009
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its almost 7am here, and i've been up since yesterday afternoon. i'm a dj so i work nights, and didn't get home from work until about 230. anyway, i'm getting hungry and i don't know what i want for breakfast. please vote otherwise i will starve to death.
i put a poll up, you impatient bastard. you just couldn't wait the 10 seconds for me to fill in the options.
i conned an elderly couple to give me 7 cents a day, i'm saving up so i don't have to starve. thanks for the vote!
^^i wish i still had an ihop near by. the owner sold it and now its some family diner place that doesn't even do breakfast.
lol none of these places are local...i ended up making some bacon and eggs. thank you for all of your opinions but the majority vote went to "make something you lazy bastard"
You need to ship it to the UPS store in Niagra Falls NY. other wise I get raped in import duties and such
Yummm nothing like recycled food. If there's any left over sully I'll take some. If I can't eat it I'll make sure to send it to Africa or something.
Why do people always list Chain places .... IHOP or those others....

Breakfast is only at truck stops or mom and pop places ... the rest are the same old same old .. and no one in their right mind eats at Mc. or BK ... that's the stuff were we start killing our kids ...

So ... Go stuff your arteries with some biscuits and gravy at a real heart killer place... Look for a lot of Tuckers .. they know were to get real food...
yeah well, i live in south eastern connecticut, there really aren't any truck stops around here and the mom and pop places sold out. i agree though those are the only places to get a real breakfast, but the closest one is about a 45 minute drive.
yeah well, i live in south eastern connecticut, there really aren't any truck stops around here and the mom and pop places sold out. i agree though those are the only places to get a real breakfast, but the closest one is about a 45 minute drive.

Road Trip ...:D He'll 45 min drive and you are through the state..
foxwoods has a mom and pop or truck stop? never seen that place lol...and its like 90 min from new york to rhode island on 95 lol...i'm about 15 minutes from the rhode island border and it's about 2 hours to new york city.

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