Where to buy plastic handle cover inserts?


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 12, 2006
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I was looking on rockauto, and all they had were the handles themselves

does anyone know where they sell the plastic insert pieces that go over the handle and pop in with the tabs?

Guess the junkyard might be a last resort but I was trying to find a place online that had them.
I was looking on rockauto, and all they had were the handles themselves

does anyone know where they sell the plastic insert pieces that go over the handle and pop in with the tabs?

Guess the junkyard might be a last resort but I was trying to find a place online that had them.

Are you talking about the chrome insert on the vents???? I have a couple laying around somewhere.....
I'm thinking here means the piece in the door interior that you pop off to reveal a screw holding on the door panel. On my car, its a black piece, surrounding the door handle, in line with the wood trim.

That's not a part I would expect to be found anywhere other than a junkyard or a lucky eBay find, but I haven't looked

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