LVC Member
I see lots of ads/products that people have got from lincolnmotorsports.com but I can't find this site!! When I search it the site no longer exists. Could someone tell me what's going on please? 
Idk, but it's the future home of something quite cool.
lol, I've been getting the same. NOT a good time to be outta business. I need stuff from them.
You can contact him directly to see if he still has some stuff and/or contacts where stuff can be gotten.
Onebadmk8, he was on earlier so he's still active.
yea,IK I've been dealing with him not knowing it was the famous Geno lol. I got a possible sick cobra star sticker coming my way (black & chrome still negotiating.) I want to get into the meat and potatoes tho.... exhaust, tires and rims ect.
Temple performance has allot of that stuff as well and seem to be a bit more active in the Mark community. I would suggest to try them as well. http://templeperformancecars.com/index.php