Where to start?


LVC Member
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Myers
Ok, whats up everybody, my first post. Ive been looking around for a good website about LS's and i think i found it. Ive had my LS for a year now and i want to start doing some stuff to it. Im 18 and I drive a lincoln.... I dont know yet if thats good or bad. I want to dump some money into it but i dont know where to start, i have a green 2004 V6 LS and i want some more speed out of it. I also want to do something about the deck on the car i want to do something other than the stock deck. WHERE DO I START??
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Do alot of searches and you'll find discussions for just about any mod ever thought of for an LS. Welcome to the forum.

ps. you should keep your age a secret, there are old fogeys on here who don't like young people. j/k It's a great forum and welcome. :D
Midas78 said:
ps. you should keep your age a secret, there are old fogeys on here who don't like young people. j/k It's a great forum and welcome. :D

LOL!! I'm one of those "old fogeys". My youngest son is 10 years older than he is!! But I love the younger generation. For every one I see being foolish, I see one who is incredibly bright and ambitious and gives me faith our world is in good hands for the future. And they keep me thinking young too...

The only issues some of us old farts have is when we see someone who thinks the world owes them whatever they can get and they have no concern or respect for the rights of others. And the younger generation has no monopoly on that...it comes in all ages and sizes!

Welcome aboard!! We will love having you here.

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