Where's the hidden mandate?


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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Did you know that all business will have to issue a 1099 whenever they do more than $600 of business?

That was one of the hidden mandates in the massive omnibus bills that have been passed by the congress this year. Which bill do you think this costly, burdensome regulation was hidden in?

The financial reform bill
The stimulus bill
or Obamacare?
404... broken link

It is not surprising that things like that get slipped into other bills. Remember what happened with the "simple" bail-out bill? Grew from 20ish pages to over 500 with all kinds of pork before it was passed. I, for one, am tired of paying for this :q:q:q:q and paying the old bastards to write it.

I haven't read the link (broken) but what is so bad about a 1099? They give you one every time you take money from a casino. From a business perspective I can see that it would be a PITA if you have to send one to everyone you paid more than $600 to in the year. Please elaborate.

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