10:19 p.m.
KEITH OLBERMANN: Lawrence O’Donnell joins me next on the future of health care reform, but first we stay in Massachusetts for the first of tonight’s "Quick Comments." I wanted to apologize for calling Senator-elect Scott Brown an "irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea bagging, supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees." I’m sorry, I left out the word "sexist."
And I left out the story of the day Brown, upset by online criticism from some students, went to the school and swore at the entire student body. I’m very sorry. For all the blowback from the right on this comment from people who regularly mutter worse things about Barack Obama in their sleep, when it came to the facts that I cited to paint this picture of this horrifically unqualified Senator-elect, we have heard nothing – no contrary evidence, no refutation, not even a plausible excuse. And to the point of excuse, it can be argued that Brown should have been given the benefit of the doubt after a supporter shouted at him that they should "shove a curling iron up Martha Coakley’s butt" that he did not hear that, that when Brown then said "we can do this," he was not responding to the lunatic in the crowd.
But the Boston Globe makes an unanswerable point about that. Even if Brown really didn’t hear it, where was his later statement decrying the obscenity and violence his supporter had suggested? Not only did Mr. Brown not offer even the mildest reproach, but when pressed for one by Senator Kerry, Brown replied only that people are tired of John Kerry’s partisan politics. In Senator-elect Brown, we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, sexist, ex-nude model, tea bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees. And if he or you don’t like that characterization, my answer to you is simple: Disprove it because he hasn’t.
10:41 p.m.
OLBERMANN: Before we get to the chowder recipes of the family, we’re going to take a pause to discuss this.
10:50 p.m.
OLBERMANN: My God, he’s still talking! Senator-elect Brown is still giving his victory speech tonight in Boston. Howard Fineman will help me wrap it up -- if he wraps it up -- in a moment. First, the second of tonight’s "Quick Comments." The tea baggers have elected their first guy tonight, and, thus, they will expecting legislation by tomorrow making it a death penalty offense to call them "tea baggers." It is thus useful to remind them and you how the term originated and with whom. A TV news report aired last March 14 in which a correspondent described the original protest act. Quote, "Take a tea bag, put it in an envelope, and mail it to the White House." Adding, "ReTeaParty.com has a headline: Tea bag the fools in D.C. on tax day." Thus, the verb to "tea bag" was invented by the tea baggers themselves. And the correspondent who put it on TV was one Griff Jenkins of Fox News. Send your complaints to him.